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November 08, 2018

Dave Sanderson: Declassified- It's performance that counts

What resonated to me is that from the first of time to today, it's your performance in anything that counts most, not your words.
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November 06, 2018

Dave Sanderson: Declassified- The Main Thing

The mindset of not only staying in the moment but then focus in and keep the MAIN THING the MAIN THING.
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November 04, 2018

Dave Sanderson: Declassified- Grit is the real essence of greatness

"Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance for a singularly important goal"- Angela Duckworth
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November 02, 2018

Dave Sanderson: DeClassified- Rebounding determines your Identity

I speak about teamwork, leadership and persistence in tough times but I focus on something they can all understand, rebounding. Not rebounding the ball, rebounding and...
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October 31, 2018

Dave Sanderson: Declassified- I am my own rescue!

Each of us in our lives goes through our "turnings." When I have had major breakthroughs and growth in my life, I owned my own" rescue."
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October 29, 2018

Dave Sanderson: Declassified- How to focus when you are in a tailspin

Telling stories helps train the brain to distinguish what is important and what is not important. That is an essential skill to have when you need to focus when you are in a...
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October 26, 2018

Dave Sanderson: Declassified- The Humility to Prepare

The one lesson that has served me over and over is those who succeed have the humility to constantly prepare.
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October 25, 2018

Dave Sanderson: Declassified with Holly Dowling- Be here now!

Dave discusses with Holly about the power of presence and how 7 minutes a day can make your life better!
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October 22, 2018

Dave Sanderson: Declassified- You have come to your position for such a time as this

I did an interview for a podcast and was asked a question about the Captain. My response to the question was that "we all were fortunate to have the Captain there that day. He...
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Total Pages: 10