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December 03, 2018

How I Went From Miming to Keynote Speaking [Podcast]

Have you ever had a dream but felt totally unqualified to live it? I've faced limitations, too. For 25 years, I was paid to be absolutely silent. Now, I get paid to speak in...
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November 28, 2018

Why Every Leader Should Learn to Mime

I’ve had the privilege of working with dozens of Fortune 500 companies in my speaking career. For all that these businesses are doing right and for all of their ingenuity, I’m...
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November 13, 2018

How to Leave a Lasting Legacy

How will your grandchildren or great-grandchildren know you if you never get to meet them? What will you leave behind after your death? I believe that there's a powerful answer...
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November 12, 2018

My Secrets to Engaging First Years at New Student Orientation

New student orientation isn't just for giving out student IDs and campus maps: It's your chance to quell students' fears about making new friends, taking on difficult courses...
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November 12, 2018

What All First-Years Need to Hear at New Student Orientation

For administrators, New Student Orientation can be a checklist item, or it can be the highlight of your year and a life-changing experience for students. Which one of these...
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October 29, 2018

How to Eliminate Toxic Things from Your Life

Are you holding on to something toxic? You know that your life would be so much better without it, but you find yourself going back to it again and again. For you, it could be a...
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October 23, 2018

Tell Me About Your Weaknesses, and I'll Tell You Your Strengths

What is your differentiator? What makes you the best content marketer, the best CEO, the best personal trainer or the best therapist? Regardless of your job description, I can...
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October 16, 2018

What Real Leadership Looks Like

Are you using your gifts to make an impact on the lives of others? There's one thing you can do to become a great leader, and it doesn't have anything to do with project...
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October 08, 2018

How to Identify and Deal With Poisonous People

"Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know...
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October 03, 2018

Making Your Life Matter: How to Be an Impactful Mentor

You want your life and work to really mean something. You want to empower the people around you. You're ready to be a great mentor, but you're not sure how to make a lasting...
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Total Pages: 7