Dr. Brynn L. Winegard | Global Expert in Applied Neuroscience, Positive Psychology for Professionals and Award Winning Professor

Dr. Brynn L. Winegard

Global Expert in Applied Neuroscience, Positive Psychology for Professionals and Award Winning Professor

Dr. Brynn L. Winegard

After a decade working in corporate business development (marketing, sales) at Pfizer, Nestle, and Johnson & Johnson, and an ongoing career as a Professor of Business, today, Dr. Brynn comes to us loaded with science-backed, research-based, frontier insights from brain studies, having worked with Olympians, Elite Athletes, US Military officials, World Leaders, and Global Executives. 

Dr. Brynn is purpose-driven to help professionals exactly like YOU feel more motivated, get more done, and perform sustainably at your peak in business and in life - all while striking better balance and feeling happier doing it. 

Formally trained in neuroscience, psychology, administrative science, and biomed sciences (McMaster University, Schulich School of Business, and Harvard Medical School), Dr. Brynn can now be found year-round on broadcast screens (e.g. BNN, CNN, CBC, CTV, MSNBC) and stages relaying her proprietary insights on the neuroscience of exceptionalism.

Dr. Brynn Winegard is not your conventional neuroscience speaker. Whether keynoting or delivering a workshop, she engages her audiences on why we do what we do and the important role our brain plays in literally every aspect of our day – at work and in life.

On the screen or stage, Dr. Winegard is an energetic, professional and enthusiastic speaker who simultaneously informs, and inspires. Whether she’s sharing why women multi-task, how much sleep you need, or how our brains really process information, she has the unique ability to make brain science accessible to every level of science knowledge so audiences feel empowered and motivated to actualize their best at work, newly armed with cutting-edge insights from brain science.

Dr. Brynn L. Winegard
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Time 02:13
The Brain Science of Persuasion and Influence
Time 01:39
The Aging BrainAll changes saved.
Time 02:18

Dr. Brynn L. Winegard
Featured Keynote Programs


The Science of Self-Presentation, Establishing Influence, & Leadership Presence

Good leaders are skilled at attracting and energizing followership by virtue of their interpersonal influence, persuasiveness, energy, and interpersonal intelligence. Developing yourself as an effective leader in this vain requires a solid grasp of human psychology, emotional intelligence, as well as the neural and cognitive factors that really engage, mobilize, and energize people.

In this talk we look at the ‘science of influential self-presentation’ so leaders can gain a better understanding of how to develop themselves and their executive presence to galvanize those from whom they need to draw followership and non-coerced compliance. We take the principles of ‘neuroselling’ and the brainscience behind influence and persuasion, and apply them to the interpersonal realm so that leaders may be more effective at developing their followership, influence, and persuasiveness with others. 


  • Dynamic, Fast-Paced, Enthusiastic, Educational, Information-Intensive, Cutting-Edge

  • Learn the ‘science of influential self-presentation’ for developing one’s leadership or executive presence

  • Learn how the human brain really perceives your messages, influence, persuasiveness, & leadership

  • Understand better how to galvanize followership – the language, approach, beliefs you must employ to develop your executive presence and gain higher engagement and non-coercive compliance

  • Lessons are are practical, useable, real, tangible, and applied

  • Participants walk away with tips, tricks, and tools for how to better engage their people and motivate desired actions for outcomes

  • 90+ minute timeslot (optional Q & A included)

  • This talk is designed for people-managers, mid-level managers, managers being groomed for higher leadership positions, managers struggling to find their own voice with their people, managers struggling to be effective in their directives, influence or guidance of others

Boost My Brain!

Optimize Your Brain for Higher Motivation, Productivity & Peak Cognitive Functionality

Better functionality, sustainably higher motivation, and increased productivity are within reach!

By dispelling myths and banishing misconceptions about the human brain, Dr. Brynn will walk through frontier findings from applied neuroscience that will help you operate your own human brain more effectively so you may find more workday balance, thwart burnout, and have sustainably higher productivity, motivation, and cognitive functionality.

You will learn how new discoveries are proving conventional brain ideas wrong – and what to do instead! In this talk you will discover the latest findings from interdisciplinary sciences about how we should best organize our day, time, energy, schedule, sleeping, thinking and even eating in order to feel more motivated, be more productive, thwart burnout, and strike workday balance. Together, we ‘Boost Your Brain’!


  • High-Energy, Dynamic, Fast-Paced, Interactive, Enthusiastic, Energizing, Cutting-Edge, Information-Intensive

  • Insights are highly practical, tangible, accessible, and applied – participants learn about how to optimize and use their brains better as they sit in their seats

  • Relevant to almost all work functions, ages, positions, industries, categories

  • 1-hr timeslot (optional Q & A included)

  • Perfect for kicking off a full-day/full-conference of programming – helps participants absorb subsequent session learnings more effectively

Work Wonders!

Brain-Based Do’s & Don’ts for New Work Realities

The end of the pandemic is ushering in new possibilities, problems, and work realities - for workers and employers alike. Many employers still offer flex-schedules and work-from-home options while others attempt to mandate a return to the office, all with varying degrees of success and productivity.

Research shows workers are simultaneously ‘zoomed out’ yet hesitant to return to the office - WFH has become the new (and comfortable) norm. Mental health indicators have taken a nosedive as a result of worker social isolation, VUCA circumstances, and now the ask of further change: a return to office spaces. So ‘the great resignation’ continues.

In this talk, Dr. Brynn relays the brainscience behind why returning to offices, meeting with colleagues, and having face-to-face time again is so valuable for people, productivity, motivation, mental health, and happiness. In the brain’s reward centers, flex schedules are good while human interaction is great.

Presented in the form of ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’ from applied neuroscience, audiences learn the micro-habits, tips, tricks, tools, and techniques they need to know for how to optimize their thinking, managing, technology-usage, emotions, time, energy, brain power, balance, productivity, and motivation in new work contexts, in new work realities.


  • Motivational, Upbeat, Empowering, Energizing, Dynamic, Fast-Paced, Interactive, Enthusiastic, Cutting-Edge, Educational, Information-Intensive

  • Research-based, science-backed, objective, non-dogmatic

  • Presented in everyday English, entertaining, highly accessible: insights, examples, stories are designed for non-scientists to easily and quickly absorb, understand, and put learnings into practice

  • Insights are highly practical, tangible, accessible, and applied – learnings can be activated near immediately, with minimal effort, prep times, or costs

  • Participants learn what the burgeoning area of Applied Neuroscience says to do in order to productively and happily engage in new work realities

  • Great for General Assemblies - relevant to almost all work functions, job types, roles, ages, positions

  • Relevant to almost all categories, industries, sectors, companies, employer-types

  • 1-hr timeslot (optional Q & A included)

  • Perfect for kicking off a full-day/full-conference of programming – helps participants absorb subsequent sessions more effectively; feel more engaged as they do so

  • Provides workers with helpful brain-based self-help tips, tricks, and tools as they grapple with further change, return to offices, and attempt to overcome their fears or hesitations


The Brainscience of Persuasion & Influence

Successfully getting people to believe in you, buy into your ideas, or buy your goods, products, services (‘the 3B’s’), means getting others’ subconscious brain on-side.

‘Neuroselling’ covers frontier insights from brainscience on how others perceive you and process the information you present, during a conversation or pitch. Surprising facts? Others aren't using the conscious, logical, rational, language-centers of their brains as we assume they are: instead the brain prefers to work on subconscious, social, emotional, interpersonal, and image-based impulses to make all of its decisions.

Dispelling some of the common myths and exciting audiences with new and neat brain facts, Dr. Brynn ‘unravels the brain like an onion’ to reveal her ‘6 brainscience secrets’ for increasing your influence and persuasiveness by getting to the core of human decision-making.


  • Dynamic, High-Energy, Fast-Paced, Interactive, Enthusiastic, Skill-Enhancing, Cutting-Edge, Information-Intensive

  • Count down with Dr. Brynn as she shares her ‘Six Brainscience Secrets’ for greater influence, persuasiveness, and gaining non-coercive compliance from just about anyone

  • Insights are practical, usable, real, & applied

  • Understand better how the human brain really operates and makes decisions

  • Intended for Sales professionals, Marketing professionals, Account staff, Client-or Customer-facing personnel, any role accountable for topline business growth

  • 1-hr timeslot (optional Q & A included)

  • This is an ‘infotaining’, business-propagating way to deliver professional development & skill-enhancement for sales, account, customer-facing or marketing functions

Dr. Brynn L. Winegard
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