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October 21, 2019

Overwhelm Is In Your Mind

A few weeks ago, as I was writing and preparing for upcoming events, I had this very unsettling feeling. I wasn’t sure how to identify the feeling, and so I chalked it up as...
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September 30, 2019

Learning the Importance of Waiting

How many of you like to wait for things you want in life? Do you know that waiting develops patience when we let it have its way in our lives and understand that we can’t have...
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August 26, 2019

What Do You Need to be Rescued From

Have you been raised up from a deep dark place or a turbulent storm that nearly swept you away? I love listening to Josh Grobin sing, “You Raise Me Up.” The lyrics say, “You...
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August 05, 2019

How to Change Your Perception through Confession

One of the reasons I’ve come to embrace a new view of confession and live it out as a lifestyle is because it helps us to change our perception of others and...
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July 29, 2019

The Seven Signs of Rejection

I learned recently that the word rejection comes from a Latin word, which means "to be thrown back." It resonated with me as I started to think of the many ways rejection causes...
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July 22, 2019

Dealing With the Bruise of Rejection

Have you ever experienced rejection? That feeling of not being wanted or accepted. Rejection is a deep bruise that destroys our whole being. As a result of criticism,...
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July 15, 2019

The Difference Between Others Control and Self Control

Have you ever been accused of being a “control freak?” When someone says that phrase to us, it’s never meant to be positive and certainly not meant to build us up. In some ways,...
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July 08, 2019

How to Give and Receive Criticism

I’ve heard it said once that, “There is very little difference between people, but that little difference makes a great deal of difference.” How true that is! We’re all humans,...
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July 01, 2019

Being Who You Are Instead of Who You're Told To Be

The day you were born is the day you began to take in the world around you. In your mother's womb, there were no outside influences except that of your mother who carried you....
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June 25, 2019

The Secret to Harvesting The Life You Want is Found in Your Choices

If I asked you what comes to mind when I talk about sowing seeds, I think most of us would think of farming and gardening. I grew up in the farming world, and I’m grateful for...
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June 18, 2019

How To Have Healthy Communication With A Few Simple Rules

Recently I heard a story about a couple who struggled in their marriage for over 20 years. They had an age-old problem – communication. This couple had everything anyone...
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June 11, 2019

How To Respond To Grief

When it comes to grief, I’ve heard people say many times, “I don’t know what to say to someone in deep grief.” Have you ever been in that situation? Recently, I found...
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Topics:   Family ,   Relationships
Total Pages: 9