The REAL Captain of the Enterprise's Most Pressing Safety Issues Facing Businesses [VIDEO]

Former Captain of the USS Enterprise, Ron Horton, shares his favorite Star Trek captain, along with some crucial safety issues facing businesses today.

(Part 2 of 2)

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Afterburner Inc is a team of elite military professionals trained to instruct teams to pursue Flawless Execution. Utilizing active team environments, Afterburners demonstrates effective implementation of Flawless Execution methodologies to elevate group performance and results.

Utilized by elite military teams around the world, the Flawless Execution model is a proven success tool for high-stakes missions that allow for zero failure. It integrates sound organizational development and combat-proven methodologies into the processes and actions of all team members. The result is a refined process that produces achievable goals and, ultimately, a successful outcome.

Afterburner’s team of men and women elite former military professionals has a powerful mix of combat experience combined with extensive business skills. Many members are graduates of top business schools and academies. Afterburner uses the combat proven methodologies of elite military professionals working with your team to achieve victory in a rapidly changing business environment. Flawless Execution...

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Afterburner Inc: Team of Elite Fighter Pilots, Experts on Flawless Execution.

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