Achieving Greatness with Motivational Speaker Adam Kreek


Achieving Greatness with Motivational Speaker Adam Kreek

In the world of motivational speaking, Adam Kreek stands out as a beacon of inspiration and practical wisdom. As a two-time Olympian, executive coach, and seasoned adventurer, Adam has spent years mastering the art of high performance and perseverance. His insights are invaluable for anyone looking to achieve success, both personally and professionally. In a recent podcast with Brian Lord, Adam shared his journey, his challenges, and the values that drive his life. Let’s delve into some of the key takeaways from his conversation.

The Power of Focus and Control

Adam Kreek emphasizes the importance of focusing on what you can control, a lesson he learned from his Olympic training and now applies in his coaching. During his preparation for the Olympics, Adam was taught to push aside the negativity often propagated by the media. Instead, he concentrated on his training and performance, tuning out distractions.

This principle is equally applicable in the business world. As Adam points out, “You need to focus on what you can control.” By controlling your response to external negativity and focusing on the tasks at hand, you can maintain a positive mindset and drive towards your goals.

Embracing Discomfort for Growth

Another crucial aspect of Adam’s philosophy is welcoming discomfort. He explains that discomfort is a tool that can propel us towards better performance. Adam describes the intense physical and mental preparation for the Olympics, where athletes push their bodies to the limit and then carefully taper their training to peak at the right moment.

In the business realm, embracing discomfort can mean stepping out of your comfort zone, taking on challenging projects, or facing difficult conversations head-on. By recognizing and embracing discomfort, you can harness it to fuel your growth and success.

Sustaining Greatness Through Intrinsic Motivation

Adam Kreek distinguishes between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. While extrinsic motivators like titles, promotions, and social recognition are important, it is the intrinsic motivators that sustain long-term success. Intrinsic motivation is driven by personal values and the internal satisfaction of achieving one’s goals.

Adam stresses the importance of aligning extrinsic goals with intrinsic values. He says, “Success is sustained when we both harness extrinsic motivators and intrinsic motivators.” Understanding your values and ensuring your actions align with them can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life.

The Role of Values in Decision Making

Values play a central role in Adam’s approach to both personal and professional life. He believes that understanding and articulating your values can guide your decision-making process, leading to better outcomes and a more coherent life strategy.

Adam’s own values, such as generous impact, vital physical sensations, growth and flow, loving connection, and persistent ambition, have guided his journey. These values were not just abstract concepts but were lived experiences that shaped his decisions and actions.

For instance, Adam’s value of generous impact led him to become a big brother through Big Brothers Big Sisters, which reignited his motivation and drive. Similarly, in his professional life, ensuring that his work has a generous impact keeps him aligned with his values and fuels his persistence.

Applying Values to Organizational Culture

Adam also highlights the importance of values in creating a strong organizational culture. A values-driven culture helps individuals within an organization make better decisions and reduces the managerial load. When employees understand and align with the organization’s values, they are more likely to act in ways that support the overall goals and mission.

This alignment between personal and organizational values can lead to greater job satisfaction, higher performance, and a more cohesive team. Leaders who clearly communicate and live by their values can inspire their teams and drive long-term success.

Facing Fear and Doubt

One of the most profound insights Adam shares is the idea that “fear and doubt are the taxes we must pay to experience the incredible.” He recounts his journey of rowing across the Atlantic Ocean, an endeavor fraught with physical and psychological challenges. The fear and doubt he faced were immense, but the rewards were equally significant.

This metaphor extends to all areas of life. Whether it’s pursuing a new career, starting a business, or tackling a personal goal, facing and overcoming fear and doubt is essential to achieving greatness. On the other side of these challenges lies the peace and satisfaction of knowing you have pushed your limits and grown in the process.

Adam Kreek’s journey from Olympian to executive coach is a testament to the power of focus, embracing discomfort, and living a values-driven life. His insights provide a valuable roadmap for anyone looking to achieve and sustain greatness. By understanding and aligning with our values, embracing challenges, and maintaining a positive focus, we can navigate the complexities of life and reach our highest potential.

For more inspiration and insights from Adam Kreek, check out his full conversation on the Beyond Speaking podcast and explore his work as a motivational speaker and executive coach. His experiences and wisdom offer a rich source of guidance for anyone striving to achieve their best.

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Adam Kreek: Olympic Gold Medalist turned Adventurer and Engineer

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