Dr. Sergei Khrushchev | Author, Educator, Lecturer and Son of the Late Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev

Dr. Sergei Khrushchev

Author, Educator, Lecturer and Son of the Late Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev

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Dr. Sergei Khrushchev

As a Senior Fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies, Dr. Sergei Khrushchev focuses his research on the former Soviet Union's transition from a centralized to a decentralized society, as well as its transformation from a central to a market economy and its international security during this transition. One of his points of interest is the creation of a criminal society in Russia as a consequence of the mistakes in the early stages of market reformation. He is also interested in the history of the Cold War and the turning points in relations between the US and the Soviet Union in the Khrushchev, Eisenhower, and Kennedy periods. Another focus of Dr. Khrushchev's interests is the history of Soviet missiles and space development, in which he played an active role, from 1958-1968.

Dr. Sergei Khrushchev has been a Senior Fellow since 1996 and a Senior Visiting Scholar from 1991-1996 at the Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies. In 1990, he was a Fellow at the Institute of Politics, John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. From 1968-1991, he served at the Control Computer Institute in Moscow, rising from Section Head to First Deputy Director in charge of research. From 1958-1968, he was an engineer, then Deputy Section head in charge of guidance systems for missile and space design.

In 1958-1968, Dr. Khrushchev participated in the Soviet missile and space program, including work on cruise missiles for submarines, military and research spacecraft, moon vehicles, and the "Proton," the world's largest space booster.

Dr. Sergei Khrushchev has his Soviet doctoral degree from the Ukrainian Academy of Science, a Ph.D. from the Moscow Technical University, and an M.A. with distinction from the Moscow Electric Power Institute.

From 1967 he helped Nikita Khrushchev to work on his memoirs. The full text of Nikita Khrushchev's memoirs, The Time, the People, the Power, was published in 1999 in four volumes by the Moscow News, a publishing house in Moscow (in Russian). Sergei Khrushchev now editing publication of Nikita Khrushchev's memoirs in English, it is join project of Watson Institute and Penn State University.

Since 1989, Dr. Khrushchev has lectured in the fields of Russian economic and political reforms; US-Soviet relations from 1950-1964; the history of the Soviet space program; and Nikita Khrushchev's economic, political, and security reforms.

Dr. Sergei Khrushchev is mentioned in the Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in the United States, International Who's Who of Contemporary Achievements, International Authors and Writers, International Who's Who of Intellectuals, and Contemporary Authors Gala Research. In the Soviet Union, he received the Lenin Prize for his research, the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R., The Hammer and Sickle Gold Star and title "Hero of Socialist Labor," several awards for achievements in space and computer research, and four awards from the Soviet Union Engineering Society. Dr. Khrushchev is a full member of the International Academy of Information (1993), the Russian Space Academy (1994), a member of the Russian Society of Informatics (1990), and a member of the Russian Engineering Society (1970), a member of Vladimir Chelomey's scientific and Engineering Society (2003).

He is teaching in Brown University and lecturing in Naval War College in Newport, RI.

He is a regular commentator for the American media, and the author of more than 250 books and articles on engineering, computer science, history, and economy. He is also the author of Khrushchev on Khrushchev (1990), Nikita Khrushchev: Crisis and Missiles (1994), The Political Economy of Russian Fragmentation (1993), Three Circles of Russian Market Reforms (1995), and Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Super Power (2000). His books are published around the world in 12 languages. Dr. Sergei Khrushchev is currently working on his new book, Nikita Khrushchev's Reforms.

Dr. Sergei Khrushchev
Featured Keynote Programs

American and Russian Identities

Why don't Americans understand Russians? What distinguishes Russian civilization from American civilization? During the Cold War ignorance of the motives and way of thinking of the other side brought us periodically and needlessly to the brink of nuclear conflict. What causes the problem? Difference in the sources of civilization: the American culture is based on respect for laws; its roots go back to the laws of the Roman Empire. Russia prefers the "good will" of the sovereign, relying on the Byzantine concept of justice. It's not important who is in power in Russia: Tsar, Communist General Secretary or President - they are all made of the same cloth. Based on those differences - Khrushchev cites why democracy has become a swear word in Russia and explains the future of Russian market reforms.

The Cold Warrior Triangle
Eisenhower - Khrushchev - Kennedy

For those interested in the history of the Cold War, Khrushchev helps audiences understand what the Kremlin was thinking, what Nikita Khrushchev's true intentions were, and why a Third World War did not break out. Entrusted with his father's innermost thoughts during the editing of his memoirs, he discusses details known only to a small circle of people and mesmerizes audiences with rich background of behind-the-scenes life in the Soviet Union at the height of its power and influence.

The Future of Capitalism and Democracy in Russia

Sergei Khrushchev gives audiences the benefit of his insider's perspective on Russia - its politics and its people - to answer pressing questions of what's happening there right now. In this talk he assesses whether Russia is a good place to invest money or otherwise engage in business. He discusses why Russia has become a country with a criminal economy - was that simply chance or did it conform to some kind of law? Khrushchev explains why Russia has not turned into the flourishing democracy and productive free-market economy that the West had hoped for and assesses the prospects for meaningful reform to take hold. He further reveals the implications for the kind of democracy that is developing in Russia - which resembles a monarchy. This is the ultimate talk on Russia by one of its most intriguing natives.

The Soviet Road to the Moon

Sergei not only frequently discussed the Soviet space program with his father, he was personally involved with the Russian missile and lunar program. His talk provides insight into how decisions were made in the Kremlin and reveals how the missile race was viewed by Soviet leadership. He shows how Soviet designers competed more with each other than with Americans in the race for the moon and why had they survived, Khrushchev and Kennedy were close to an agreement on a joint flight to the moon.

Dr. Sergei Khrushchev
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