Relentless Leadership

Hamish Brewer: The Relentless Principal - Disrupting the World of Education - TEDx Speaker
February 09, 2018

Hamish Brewer

The Relentless Principal - Disrupting the World of Education - TEDx Speaker


hamish brewer joins me on the podcast

When the name Hamish Brewer is mentioned, a number of words come to mind; relentless, innovative, maverick and loyal. Hamish Brewer is a visionary unfazed by conventional leadership and educational practices and theories, which leads him to push boundaries and challenge archaic processes and practices.

As a leader and speaker, Brewer is considered an inspiration, innovator and motivator by those who have met, watched, or listened to him.

Hamish Brewer is an award winning Title 1 Principal, a Nationally Distinguished Principal, and has seen his school award the Nationally Distinguished Title One School designation.        

He has over 20 years’ experience serving as a classroom teacher, administrator, international education Director and an educational consultant in the United States and abroad. Brewer is a highly regarded and sought after keynote and conference speaker on key educational topics from school improvements to engaging practices, motivation, and best performance practices.

Hamish Brewer is high octane in his approach to children, teachers and his community. Hamish Brewer has been nominated for numerous leadership awards for his visionary approach and results in education. He is currently a principal in Prince William County, one of the largest divisions in the country, helping in best practices and advances in the implementation and use of technology. 

Hamish Brewer Show Highlights

  • The story of relentless learning
  • How to do it different and get results …
  • Breaking the mold and changing the game
  • Removing No and Can’t from your vocabulary
  • Do you make work meaningful?
  • What are we growing our students to do?
  • Kids behavior is feedback
  • You can’t serve when you think you’re better than everyone else
  • Growing from 35 to 90th percentile in student achievement
  • Never forget how you got to where you’re at
  • If you allow average, average is all you’ll get

hamish brewer on student achievement

Hamish Brewer Resources

Relentless Learning website

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Photo by Štefan Štefancík on Unsplash