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December 22, 2015

How Can You Guard Your Heart?

In Proverbs 4:23, we read: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Yes, but how do you guard your heart? If you are like me, then you have...
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May 14, 2015

TEDx | What Paralysis Taught Me About True Strength

“The hardest thing I ever had to do is nothing at all. When my nose itched, I had to wait for someone to scratch it. But there is power in the fullness of process. Rethink ‘the...
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January 20, 2015

Five Reasons You Will Be Glad You Self-Published

They avoided my questions. Both writers who had chosen self-publishing and writers who had chosen traditional publishing would get cottonmouth when I asked for advice.At times...
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October 28, 2014

To Have a Friend in Every Decade

It stung when the teenage girl hung her head, blonde curls falling into her eyes, “I wanted to talk to someone older about it,” she said, “but I really don’t have...
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