Dr. Jada Daves is the founder and president of Positive Results, a motivational speaking, training and program development firm. She earned her doctorate from Vanderbilt University in Human Resource Development and has 22 years experience in training and education.
Jada is definitely one in a million, or should we say "one in millions." She broke all odds and gave extended life to her critically-ill, one-year-old son by being a perfect-match donor for his kidney transplant. The unbelievable story captured the attention of national media sources such as CNN and USA Today, and Jada is happy to share the miraculous journey she and her family have traveled.
Dr. Daves also delivers programs that provide valuable insight on topics such as customer service, employee motivation, leadership, work/life balance, team building, and other workplace issues. Her client list includes individuals in the hospitality industry, sales, manufacturing, government, education, management, and healthcare, among many others.
Jada's zeal for life is infectious as she shares how the unexpected changes we all face can encourage us to become better. Her hard-hitting, honest, and detailed storytelling will challenge even the most reluctant listener to look at things from a different perspective.
She is married to Kevin and is the mother of five children. Jada is also an author, former talk radio host, songwriter, and has most recently launched an entertainment company that focuses on family-centered programs for television.
This insightful workshop will provide a multitude of ways to integrate basic study skills into the regular classroom. A variety of student-centered activities will be presented to help students develop good study habits that can improve success in school and in future academic endeavors.
This interactive workshop is designed to introduce specific examples of games, activities, projects, writing assignments, and many more creative ideas teachers can use in their classes to make them more exciting. Discussion will be centered around how, when, and why educators should be adjusting their teaching styles to get their students more involved and motivated toward the subjects they are teaching.
Life Rules is a fast-paced, upbeat, character/values-based presentation targeted to 5th - 12th graders on what it takes to be successful in life. This program is delivered through the use of an up-to-date visual representation relating startling statistics, meaningful quotes, thought-provoking stories, and interactive incentives that keeps the attention of both children and teens. The message will challenge all students to analyze where they presently are and where they ultimately want to go in life. Some key issues brought out in the presentation are: 1) the value of getting an education and how that relates to future earning power, 2) what employers are looking for in the next generation of hires, 3) the importance of positive self-esteem and how it affects overall success in life, 4) learning to respect authority and others, 5) choosing your friends carefully, 6) how setting goals helps dreams become reality, 7) the benefits of positive adult role models, plus much more!
We’ve all heard the chants from the “coach” (a k a principal, director of schools, or department head) about the importance of “teamwork.” But why should a teacher want to be a team player? In this challenging presentation, your staff will be encouraged to see what a difference the team concept can make in the life of their school.