Hayley Mulenda | Multi-Award-Winning International Speaker, Author and Change Agent

Hayley Mulenda

Multi-Award-Winning International Speaker, Author and Change Agent

Hayley Mulenda
Featured Keynote Programs

Real Models - Not Role Models

We don't need more role models, we need more real models. We need to remember the power of authenticity and the power of vulnerability. Let's make being real... ideal. Maybe we shouldn't inspire others to be another version of us, but a better version of themselves. Being a real model is more powerful than being a role model. 

Human Beings

We are not human doings but human beings, people can not connect with us because of what we do, they connect with us because of who we are - This is an awakening on the importance of prioritizing your happiness. If securing the bag means you are going to lose yourself - then you're doing it all wrong. This keynote explores the importance of ensuring you are being fulfilled and not just functioning.

Pain To Purpose

After nearly committed suicide in 2016, Hayley heard a story that changed her life. Not only does she share her story of overcoming depression and anxiety, but she also expresses what she was able to do to get herself out of a suicidal place. With mental health issues on the rise, she shares tips on how to sustain your mental health and how to prioritise your wellness as well as implement a healthy work-life balance into your life.

Building Bridges, Not Walls

The best present you can give anyone is your presence. In a time where the world "social distancing" has become popular, can we also make the word "support" popular? No one flourishes in an environment where they are tolerated, they flourish in environments where they are celebrated.

Shine Your Light - Matthew 5:16
Shine Your Light - Matthew 5:16

God has not called you to play small. In the parable of the talents, the person who hid their talent was cast away - what talents are you hiding and burying? God has called you to shine your light and to be a light on a city on a hill. Hayley Mulenda has been able to travel around the globe working with the most influential corporations and institutions because she refused to dim her light. Starting her speaking career at the age of 16, her story has reached presidents, royalty, C-suite leaders, and some of the world's most influential figures because she stood in what she carries and the conviction of her calling. This keynote deals with imposter syndrome and personal branding, helping people who are finding it hard to own their gifts, talents, and craft. 

Can God Trust You?

Many pray for more, but can God trust you with more? Have you built the character to sustain the blessings he has for you? Have you cultivated stewardship? Are you prepared for what you're praying for? The reality is, God is probably holding back something because you don't have the capacity. 

Those who are faithful over few shall be ruler over many. How are you handling the scenarios that may not look pretty? These are the things that are building your character and capacity. Are you letting them mould you to become who you need to be to sustain the more that God has for you? 

In this keynote, Hayley explores the importance of character and stewardship, teaching on the significance of the process behind success. 

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