Dan Clark
Featured Books

The Art Of Significant Leadership - NFLUENTIAL IMPACT: How To Grow People Into Passionate Partners (The Art of Significance - Achieving The Level Beyoby Dan Clark

The Art Of Significant Leadership - NFLUENTIAL IMPACT: How To Grow People Into Passionate Partners (The Art of Significance - Achieving The Level Beyo

by Dan Clark

INFLUENTIAL IMPACT - The Art of Significant Leadership. Influence is the new Leadership - In our World of Work made up of Millennials, GenXers and Baby Boomers, in an illuminated climate of race, age and gender equality, the New and Highest Level of Leadership is Influence! Effective, admired and respected influential leaders understand that the Purpose Of A Leader Is To Grow More Leaders Who Believe What You Believe, Not Generate More Followers. When everybody shares the same Beliefs, Core Values and Purpose for 'Being' we create a High Performance Culture of 'Partner Leaders' who Trust and Lead With and Without a Title. However, in this positive environment driven by Equity, Inclusion and Strength in Diversity, the focus is Not on Cultural Diversity emphasizing what makes us different - but rather on Cultural Commonality and what makes us the same. To create and sustain lasting Influential Impact, a Leader must let go of who is right and focus on what is right and the governing principles that have always been right for generations!

After you read Dan's Best Selling The Art of Significance-Achieving The Level Beyond Success (originally published by Penguin/Random House in 2013), you will be prepared to consume the contents of this companion book, written in the implementation model of a master class that deepens your understanding of Dan's foundational formula: "Every Culture is Created between the Strongest Belief, Highest Expectation and Best Behavior that the Leader Lives By - and the Weakest Belief, Lowest Expectation and Worst Behavior that the Leader Tolerates!" Continuing with the embellishment of Dan's time-tested Leadership Truths that include: We Don't Attract Who We Want - We Attract Who We Are - We Attract What We Believe We Deserve; The Things We Help Create We Support; Leadership Is Not A Position Or Title Noun - It's An Action Verb Earned Through Service Before Self!

The Art Of Significant Selling - TRANSFERENCE OF TRUST: How To Get People To Choose You Instead Of Just Somebody Who Does What You Doby Dan Clark

The Art Of Significant Selling - TRANSFERENCE OF TRUST: How To Get People To Choose You Instead Of Just Somebody Who Does What You Do

by Dan Clark

Sales is the 'Transference of Trust' - Which means every sales pitch must become a 'serve pitch' knowing: The Sale Doesn't Begin Until The Customer Says No; and 'Wealth flows through you, not to you - which means you can get anything in life you want when you are willing to help enough other people get what they want. Following a time-tested sales system increases your closing rate to 93%!

Story Selling: How to Persuade People to Think, Feel, Act, Follow, Buyby Dan Clark

Story Selling: How to Persuade People to Think, Feel, Act, Follow, Buy

by Dan Clark

STORY SELLING – How to Persuade People to Think, Feel, Act, Follow, Buy.
Foreword by Mark Victor Hansen Co-Creator Chicken Soup For The Soul

Story Sellers Are The Influencers! Story Sellers Climb To The Top Of The Leadership Ladder In Their Organizations!

In a cluttered world where you need to define your own personal brand and explain why and how you stand out; where you need to share the unique factor of your product, service and value proposition (so people choose you, not just somebody who does what you do) - becoming a master Story Seller is your key to personal and organizational greatness!

This Is Your Chance of a Lifetime to be personally Taught, Coached, Mentored and Guided through the Art and Science of Story Selling using Dan’s time-tested formula for recalling Transitional Experiences and Significant Emotional Events in your life, writing them down in a compelling way, identifying the life lessons learned and turning them into Entertaining, Thought Provoking, Transformational stories worth sharing!

This is a How-To Instruction Manual that will not only guide you through the art and science of Storytelling, but it then takes your communication skills to the highest level by finely tuning your passion, power, purpose and persuasive techniques required to become a Master Story Seller!

- Become more fascinating and inspirational to be around!
- Get people to choose you, not just somebody who does what you do!
- Fast-advance in your career with greater earning power!

- Create a Competitive Advantage!
- Close More Sales!
- Generate Return Customers And Massive Referrals!
- Learn to turn Recruiting the best employees/players into Attracting and Retaining the Right People!
- Make your organization a meaningful and rewarding place to work by inspiring employees/coworkers/teammates to be part of something larger than themselves!

When you Master the Art and Science of Story Selling you:
• Learn the fine art of persuasion and excellent communication
• Grow your self-confidence, self-esteem, self-love, and courage
• Serve as a family historian to keep your stories alive for generations
• Make romance come alive whether you are single or married
• Become universally loved, admired, and respected
• Enjoy more joy, happiness, fulfillment, bliss, and excitement in your life

The Art of Significance: Achieving The Level Beyond Successby Dan Clark

The Art of Significance: Achieving The Level Beyond Success

by Dan Clark

Dan’s ‘Flagship Book’ – the philosophical foundation and psychological nucleus for Dan’s other books, illuminating the 12 Highest Universal Laws and their practical application: Obedience, Perseverance, Stretching, Trust, Whole Truth, Winning, Doing Right, Harmony, Acceptance, Being Needed, Covenants, Forgiveness.

“I am a fan of Dan Clark. Every time we’ve shared the stage together, it is his devotion to service and unwavering belief in the value of putting others before ourselves that attracts me to his powerful message.” – Simon Sinek, TED Speaker, Author of Start With Why

– Endorsed by Stephen Covey, John Huntsman Sr, and selected by U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh III as one of the twelve books on his 2014 Chief of Staff Recommended Reading List!

What would you rather have-conventional success or a high level beyond success? Dan Clark, one of the world’s leading inspirational speakers and leadership trainers, vehemently opposes the conventional wisdom about success. He believes it’s tragic and superficial to build our careers and personal lives around getting more money, bigger houses, cooler toys, and fancier job titles. What’s it all worth in the end? How many outwardly successful people still feel empty inside? Clark has spent decades traveling around the world, interviewing the famous and powerful; consulting with presidents and generals and sheikhs and corporate leaders; creating a multimillion-dollar speaking and consulting business that teaches what works, what doesn’t and why.

In our rapidly changing world where most leaders focus on what makes Millennials and other generations different, Dan focuses on the timeless truths that make us all the same. In this sensational and timeless book, Dan literally takes readers to the next level in every aspect of life! By challenging the most common principles of success that have created limiting beliefs, Dan replaces them with his Twelve Highest Universal Laws of Life Changing Leadership, and delivers them in his time-tested three step A.R.T. process that increases Awareness of the things that prohibit peak performance; Refines who you are and why you do what you do; and creates a Transformational experience that turns success into significance!

Mindset Take-A-Ways: Inspired people don’t have to be motivated; When we identify ourselves in terms of what we do instead of who we are, we become human ‘doings’ instead of human ‘beings’ – unacceptable if significance is what we seek; when we focus on purposes instead of just setting goals, our ‘why’ becomes bigger than our ‘why not, and the ‘how-to’ becomes clear and simple.

The Art of Significance Achieving the Level Beyond Success

In our rapidly changing world where most leaders focus on what makes our generations different, Dan focuses on the 12 Highest Universal Laws from his bestselling book The Art of Significance Achieving the Level Beyond Success, which make us all the same: Obedience, Perseverance, Stretching, Trust, Truth, Winning, Doing Right, Harmony, Acceptance, Being Needed, Covenants, Forgiveness.  

Using his three-step A.R.T. process, Dan takes attendees on an intellectual and emotional roller coaster ride that increases:

  • Awareness With Hindsight to Acknowledge Popular Principles, Expectations And Behaviors That Cause Limiting Beliefs.
  • Refinement With Insight to Redefine What’s Possible, Rekindle Passion, Access Untapped Potential, And Clarify The Reason You And Your Organization Exist.
  • Transformation With Foresight To Increase Your Personal Value And Professional Productivity With An Action Plan That Keeps You Focused On What Matters Most, Which Is What Lasts The Longest.

Dan’s Keynote incorporates his time-tested principles found in his best-selling book The Art of Significance Achieving the Level Beyond Success.

How many outwardly successful people still feel empty inside? How many of us build our careers and personal lives around getting more money, bigger houses, cooler toys, and fancier job titles. What’s it all worth in the end?

Learn how to create powerful and positive momentum shifts in your personal and professional lives.

Dan teaches that successful people get what they want, Significant people want what they get. In business, there is a giant difference between what customers want and what most organizations offer. Transform your life, your team, your organization, today!

Perspective Leadership

This transformative keynote or breakout session transcends the boundaries of leadership, making a tremendous impact on all individuals who find themselves in positions of guidance and influence. Dan explores the realms of mentorship, emotional intelligence, and inclusive teamwork. His interactive and engaging approach fosters a thriving workplace environment.

Story Selling

In this dynamic program, Dan equips individuals with the tools to craft compelling and relatable stories that ignite connection and trust. Whether you are an executive, sales professional, manager, or front-line staff working directly with customers, Story Selling will revolutionize your communication skills. Uncover the art of building relationships, enhancing customer interactions, and fostering employee engagement through the captivating power of storytelling.

Increasing Productivity – “Taking It To The Next Level”

We’re told to think outside the lines, think outside the box. What if the answers are still in the box? Most come to conventions in search of new answers when what we need are the right answers. None of us can exceed our potential, we just misjudge it. We can only exceed expectations. When we believe if best is possible, good is not good enough and realize it’s what we do when leadership is not around that makes us champions, we reach our full potential and “Take It To The Next Level” – not because it is expected by others, but because it is demanded by ourselves!

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Dan Clark

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