Christopher Bauer | Ethics Expert and Grin Inducer

Christopher Bauer

Ethics Expert and Grin Inducer

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Christopher Bauer

Christopher Bauer is a clinical psychologist by training with over thirty years of experience as a speaker, trainer, author, and consultant on professional ethics and values-driven business strategies. Between coaching, speaking and consulting, he has worked with front-line workers to senior executives and everyone in-between. Clients of Dr. Bauer have run the gamut from small and medium sized businesses and organizations to every level of staff and management at Fortune 500 corporations.

Although ethics and fun aren’t words normally heard in the same sentence, for over twenty-five years, Christopher Bauer has been helping individuals and organizations build and maintain great professional ethics, all while having a great time.

Dr Bauer’s articles on how to build and maintain great professional ethics have appeared in such journals as CEO Refresher, CFO Magazine, Financial Executive, Internal Auditor, and many other print and online publications. His latest book is, "Better Ethics NOW: How To Avoid The Ethics Disaster You Never Saw Coming” and he publishes a free “Weekly Ethics Thought” seen by thousands of readers worldwide.

Because of his unique contribution to the prevention of ethics problems, Dr. Bauer has been recognized with the Certified Fraud Specialist designation by the Association of Certified Fraud Specialists


Christopher Bauer
Featured Video

Current: Making Ethics and Values Training Practical

Time 04:33

Christopher Bauer
Featured Keynote Programs

Professional Ethics
Recognizing Often-Overlooked ‘Red Flags’ for Ethics Risk

Ethics and fun are two words you don’t usually hear in the same sentence. Yet this program provides both in a single, high ROI presentation.

As a clinical psychologist, business owner, and business consultant, Christopher Bauer has seen the decision-making process from every angle and knows how to help his audiences learn how to make better, more ethically-attuned decisions. And in the end, better decisions is really where the rubber meets the road when it comes to ethics.

This program - whether as a keynote or seminar - will help your audience learn how to prevent ethics problems rather than having to clean up after the legal, financial, and public-relations nightmare than an ethics problem will bring.

This is not a review of the ethics code, code of conduct, or case law. Rather, this program provides audiences with solid and immediately applicable ideas and tools to reduce their eithcs risk - and the risk of their companies - all while having a great time in the process.

The book, "Better Ethics NOW: How To Avoid The Ethics Disaster You Never Saw Coming" is recommended as reading to accompany this program.

Unleashing The Unseen Power of Your Values Statement

Businesses do better when they have a sound, practical, and easily applied set of guiding values from which to work. No one will argue with that. Yet, few companies or associations actually have values statements designed for either their optimal clarity or power.

This seminar will guide you through the development and implementation of a values statement which will become a galvanizing force for your department's, division's, associations's, or company's success. This conversational but power-packed program is easily geared towards maximizing the success of your initiatives for management, leadership, customer service, and branding alike.

Becoming A Company Everyone Can (and Should) Trust

Ultimately your company will live or die based on the degree to which your customers and potential customers trust your ability to persistently, effectively and efficiently keep the necessary focus on your mission and stated values. This program will provide you with the essential ideas and tools necessary to do exactly that. This program is based, in part, on Dr. Bauer's expertise in developing organizational cultures of ethics and values but moves much more deeply into how to harness key internal assets to develop the kind of organization others will want to return to, refer to, and with whom they'll want to do all the business they can.

(This program is available as a 45-100 minute presentation, a three to four-hour highly interactive seminar or as a 60-100 minute general session program followed by one to three additional hours/concurrent sessions for groups who would like to dig more deeply into the material.)

Christopher Bauer
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