Nancy Giordano | Exponential Strategist, Business Futurist and Global Keynote Speaker

Nancy Giordano

Exponential Strategist, Business Futurist and Global Keynote Speaker

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Travels From
Austin, TX

Nancy Giordano

Nancy Giordano
Featured Video

Current: TEDx: Leading Change with Humble Audacity

Time 09:57

Nancy Giordano
Featured Book

Leadering: The Ways Visionary Leaders Play Bigger by Nancy Giordano

Leadering: The Ways Visionary Leaders Play Bigger

by Nancy Giordano

This transformative new era requires a radically different approach to leadership. The tactics put in place to reduce risk, drive success, and make us feel safe in the past are now the very things creating vulnerability today. In Leadering, Nancy Giordano provides clarity and urgency around what twenty-first century stewardship demands as exponential technologies and changing societal expectations converge to shape a better next. Ditching last century’s industrial playbook—driven relentlessly, and almost exclusively, on growth—allows us to instead focus on building new, more expansive practices committed to human-centric innovation, regenerative solutions, and the creation of long-term value. With many years advising world-class enterprise leaders on ways to thrive in ambiguity, Nancy is convinced we don’t need to change what we think as much as how we think to be successful. This book challenges us to shift our outdated thinking and adopt the mindset we need to build the future we all want.

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