Michelle Poler | Founder of Hello Fears, a viral movement helping audiences worldwide build confidence, choose growth over comfort, and turn obstacles into opportunities.

Michelle Poler

Founder of Hello Fears, a viral movement helping audiences worldwide build confidence, choose growth over comfort, and turn obstacles into opportunities.

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Michelle Poler

Michelle Poler
Featured Book

Hello, Fearsby Michelle Poler

Hello, Fears

by Michelle Poler

For readers of motivational books like DARING GREATLY and GIRL, WASH YOUR FACE, this growth mindset personal development book for those who are not only ready to achieve, but brave enough to push out of their comfort zone and find authentic happiness.

In this inspiring and motivational new book, founder of the Hello Fears social movement Michelle Poler is challenging you to say hello! to your fears and find meaningful happiness outside the traditional definition of success by living with courage and tapping into your full potential.

With kick-butt attitude and a humorous *wink*, Michelle breaks down each set-back she battled on the road towards joyful purpose. Her stories and practical strategies encourage you to name, accept, and embrace what's holding you back so you can be the heroine in your own life, not the victim.

Hello, Fears is an honest, empowering guide to living alongside what scares you. Our fears reveal what we care about the most, so each and every challenge is an opportunity to grow, hustle, and be your authentic self--unapologetically.

Perfect for readers of Untamed and Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle, Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis or listeners of The United States of Anxiety podcast on NPR. On the professional side, if you liked Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, you'll love Hello, Fears.

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