Elisabeth Hasselbeck graduated from Boston College in 1999, where she played on their Division I softball team while majoring in Studio Art. After graduating, Elisabeth designed footwear for PUMA. In 2002, she competed in Survivor: The Australian Outback, taking fourth place. For the next ten years, she co-hosted the daytime talk show, The View on ABC, and became an Emmy Award recipient. In 2013, Elisabeth joined FOX & Friends, where she served as a co-host for two years. As a gluten-free celiac, Elisabeth is a New York Times best-selling author. She founded a gluten-free food company, and is the owner and CEO of Y'allsome - Southern Goods that do good- whose mission is helping kids find forever families with the top 10% of sales . Elisabeth has been a member of TeamRWB - a veterans nonprofit for over a decade. Elisabeth is married to former NFL quarterback and current ESPN analyst, Tim Hasselbeck, and they have three children, Grace, Taylor and Isaiah.
Discourse without divide. Holding onto your beliefs with one hand while holding the hand of someone that does not hold your same beliefs. It’s possible, it’s joyful, and it’s what we are called to do.
Faith and Family
Building Faith in Kids
Faith at the Next Level in College College Sports
Faith Point of View Is Anyone Listening?
Interim Care = Life!
Pro Life
Women in Sports
Recognized from her roles on Survivor, The View, and FOX & Friends, celebrity Elisabeth Hasselbeck presents a deeply intimate journey of faith, told through the important moments in her life.
"Point of view," by definition, is a particular attitude or way of considering a matter. Through her nearly two decades of broadcasting, Elisabeth learned the necessity of extracting the point of view of the person being interviewed on a particular topic or subject or experience. Doing so allows you to see issues and truths through another's eyes. It requires a shift in perspective to see the story through their lens.
In this illuminating book, Elisabeth walks through the times--from her national celebrity days to her newest role as CBO (Chief Breakfast Officer)--where she saw something differently than how God wanted her to, and the path back to His point of view was sometimes rocky but always revealing. Sometimes God's intentions for her were clear, yet other times she encountered situations so uncomfortable and blurry that she could only ask for His wisdom.
In this book, Elisabeth welcomes you into the many different, and often divergent, points of view that she has witnessed and learned from along the way. It is a journey that brought her to the ultimate point of view that she discovered in the Word of God--that until she sees herself as He sees her, she is not seeing at all. As you read through the pages here, she invites you to make the same discovery for yourself.