Clinton R. Van Zandt | FBI Profiler and Hostage Negotiator

Clinton R. Van Zandt

FBI Profiler and Hostage Negotiator

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Washington, DC, US

Clinton R. Van Zandt

Clint Van Zandt is a former FBI Agent who was both a Profiler with the FBI's famed Behavioral Science Unit or "Silence of the Lambs" Unit as well as the FBI's Chief Hostage negotiator. He has made more television appearances than any other FBI Agent in history.

Clint provides faith-based audiences with an exciting and dynamic presentation of faith in action during some of America's most high profile law enforcement cases. Prior to his work in the FBI, he was an Agent with U.S. Army Intelligence and is a Vietnam War veteran. He has been the primary hostage negotiator for numerous national and international kidnap and hostage situations and he has testified before the U.S. Senate.

As the FBI's chief hostage negotiator, he personally negotiated with cult leader David Koresh in Waco, Texas and he has conducted negotiations that have brought about the release of hostages held by South American guerrillas and other terrorists. In his lectures, he describes in detail how his faith sustained him when he was kidnapped by a child predator when he was but 7-years-old, his personal challenges in finishing college to even qualify for the FBI, and exciting stories where his faith carried him, as an FBI Hostage Negotiator and Profiler, through three major U.S. prison hostage situations where life and death was but a breath away. In appropriate detail that makes you feel you are right there with him, Clint tells how his faith sustained him and then how he was used as a Christian behavioral profiler to help solve the "Unabomber" case and profile the Oklahoma City bomber.

A well-known author, television and radio commentator concerning crime and human behavior, he has appeared on more than 3,000 national and international TV programs (NBC, MSNBC, Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, Discovery Channel, History Channel, and NPR, etc.), to include The Today Show, Larry King Live, NBC Nightly News, Meet the Press, Anderson Cooper 360, Fox and Friends, Dr. Phil, Inside Edition, The View, Charlie Rose (PBS), The O'Rilley Factor, and The Oprah Winfrey Show, and he has contributed to many print and radio stories. He is currently NBC/MSNBC's senior on-air criminal analyst. His current book, "Facing down Evil," is available in the USA and many foreign countries, and had been published as a book on tape and as a Reader's Digest Condensed Book.

Clint is a highly sought after Christian lecturer, after dinner speaker and seminar presenter whose lectures are dynamic, interesting, exciting, educational, and humorous as appropriate. He leaves his audiences with valuable insights and critical information that can help to improve their personal Christian walk, and can, perhaps, even save their lives!

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