A Secret Sex Life?

Beatty Cohan: Staying Safe in a #MeToo World; Stop Domestic Violence Before It Starts
April 13, 2018

Beatty Cohan

Staying Safe in a #MeToo World; Stop Domestic Violence Before It Starts

CreditBrian Rea

To the Editor:

Re “What Sleeping With Married Men Taught Me,” by Karin Jones (Modern Love column, Sunday Styles, April 8): It is challenging for couples of all ages and stages in life (married or not) to keep the sizzle in their sex lives.

As for hormones and menopause, I have treated many women in their 70s and 80s whose sex lives were more active and satisfying than those of women in their 30s and 40s. If problems arise, topics including sexual desire, frequency, pornography, a lack of desire and open marriage need to be discussed openly and honestly.

Efforts to get to the root of the problem, including seeing a qualified therapist, should be a priority before making the decision to have a secret life.

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