Tobenna Okeke | Connect with the Heart, Connect with the Mind

Tobenna Okeke

Connect with the Heart, Connect with the Mind

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Tobenna Okeke

Originally born in Nigeria but raised in Houston Texas. He's a first generation immigrant who's parents came to the U.S and worked hard to provide what they could. Tobenna was like most kids who didn't know what they wanted to be growing up and didn't have anyone to look for guidance. Until a speaker came and spoke to his school football team that gave him hope and goals to dream BIG and attend college. He graduated high school with a 3.5 GPA and attended Fresno State with a full athletic scholarship. Tobenna states to his audience that hard work and perseverance is the key to obtaining what it is that you want in life. Throughout his college career he had to overcome many obstacles such as injuries, mental health, and many more to succeed and receive all-conference honors. Tobenna went on to play for the Tennessee Titians in 2018 . He then went on to play in the CFL in 2019. He played in the XFL in 2020 but because of the Pandemic that all came to a halt. He stated that hard work and dedication is what makes the difference.. While he was playing football he knew his calling was bigger than himself so after he retired he wanted to give back the community with all the info and game that he's learned along the way. He's been blessed to study successful people in every field such as medical, financial, sports, psychological and much more. He has been blessed to speak in front to over 3,000 people in many schools, businesses around Texas and has received outstanding reviews. Speaking comes natural to him and once he realized the power of words, he wanted to empower everyone to be their best selves everyday! The reason he speaks is because he has been through so much from homelessness, financially broke, depression, injuries to overcoming all of them. He now uses his life as a message showing everyone that its POSSIBLE!

Tobenna Okeke
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Current: Speaking Reel

Time 05:35

More Videos From Tobenna Okeke

Speaking Reel
Time 05:35
Black Think Tank Conference
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Student Athletic Camp
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Motivating the Eldery
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Tobenna Okeke
Featured Keynote Programs

Overcoming Adversity

Life will test you, it will challenge you, it will be cruel and unfair, but most of all life has the power to change you, life has the power to shape you. Becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable is an important part of an individual’s growth in any aspect of life.

Keys to Success

When anyone is motivated to do something, they will be more committed to the task and will put all their efforts into it. According to the research of Dr Anders Ericsson, and as Jim Taylor, PhD , motivation is the most significant predictor of success, and success is achieved through high performance. We discuss the 4 Tips to that has helped many successful people reach their goals.

Your Situation is not your Destination

We are all going through unfavorable situations in our lives where it seems like there is no HOPE. We discuss how you do not have to accept the situations that you are going through and YOU are the author of your life with the decisions that you make everyday. Hope means always looking on the brighter side of life. It is having a desire for things to change for the better and wanting that better situation to prevail.

Championship Mindset

When it comes to achieving extraordinary success in life, talent, skills, and passion are just part of the factors, what is most important is your mindset. This is because your mindset – how you think – will determine what you do. I give you the keys into creating that championship mindset from within.

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