Michael Hoffman | Master of his tornado - hilarious. productive. mind-blowing. life-changing.

Michael Hoffman

Master of his tornado - hilarious. productive. mind-blowing. life-changing.

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Michael Hoffman

Michael Hoffman is President of Igniting Performance. A Dallas based company that specializes in the skills of sales, customer loyalty and leader-ship. Over the last 20 years, Michael has delivered professional speaking engagements and customized training to organizations across this country and abroad.

With a highly interactive style, Michael's unique delivery cements his ex-pertise in the minds of his attendees to ignite the tactics and techniques necessary to approach their jobs "on purpose" with an attitude of owner-ship and professionalism. Michael uses his rich background to drive home his message that business is and will always be about "people". "How we approach our customers both internal and external will set us apart from all our competition."

Effective training combines the right informational tools with the right amount of motivation. Motivation alone is fleeting, but the right tools with-out motivation are lifeless... He provides both - therefore, getting results that matter. His highly contagious passion for business has earned him the loyalty of many repeat customers such as Bank of Montreal, Aflac, ALLTEL, Knight Ridder, KRLD Radio, Erricson, SYSCO Foods, Dryers Grand Ice Cream, VHA, Novation, Comcast, California Press Association, and many, many more.

As a proud father of four young adults in college, yes I said, four in college, Michael is committed to igniting performance in your business (or any other excuse to keep the bills paid.) He, his wife of 30 years, and the revolving residence of his college children and their tuitions reside in Carrollton, Texas.

Michael Hoffman
Featured Video

Current: Situational Influence

Time 02:31

Michael Hoffman
Featured Keynote Programs

Coaching Within The Tornado

In the craziness of the tornado of business I
​have met very few people who really desire
​to fail! Most people WANT to be part of a place
​where they feel they have a stake, are making
​a contribution and are being developed to be
​successful. The #1 skill any person of influence
​can bring to an organization is developing
​people. It’s the first job of any manager.

In this highly interactive presentation Michael takes any leadership office no matter the tenure and ignites those skills that have true impact on the success of any organization: coaching. With tactical conversations, the language of your engagement positions your authority. Learn how to get the most of any interaction. This program will have your audience engaging people at such a deep level that it demands immediate action.

Some of the skills ignited in this program are:
Communication that ignites an engaged culture
Creating/perfecting Leadership skill-sets & conversations
The secret to building involvement for commitment
Getting the most done in any coaching situation
The secrets to nailing both the Personal AND any Practical needs
When you need more than a team
Creating loyalty through conversations
Develop the #1 skill that creates sought after coaches
Have your interactions have more impact and more influence​​

​Being #1… On Purpose! Igniting a Culture of Success and Mastering the Tornado!

Everyone of your job descriptions can be
​summed up in a word… Tornadic! From the
​ constant change, customers that stretch your
​love for humanity and the people that you
​work ​with – that have retired emotionally but
​their ​bodies keep coming in to work everyday.
​The ​tornado impacts your attitudes and the
​quality ​of your communication when it’s most
​critical. ​When the tornado rises that’s when
​you need ​to be a Master of the situation.
​Learning how ​the tornado of business and
​life impacts our ​ communication and the skill-sets
​necessary to ​be an agent of influence can be a game changer
​ in equipping and igniting your people to be the catalysts of progress.

This interactive and very fun session is designed to:
Become #1…On Purpose!
Identify the challenges we face in today’s tough economic climate
Put things in perspective
Ignite an attitude of ownership
Equip the communication skill sets necessary to be true catalysts of progress
Influence and ignite others
Discover the power of paralanguage and non-verbal impact
Build greater connections and stronger relationships
Create a culture where you are a part of change and not the victim change​

Service On Unbelievable Levels!

No matter what the economy does, no matter
​the volatility of the market, the companies that
​enjoy LOYALTY from it’s customers are separated
​by their ability to provide an experience that out
​shines any other competitor.

The heart of any business is and will always be
​PEOPLE. What can we do and what can we
​say to create that experience where our
​customers say: “I love those guys!”

Michael inspires the hearts and minds of your organization to rise to unbelievable levels of customer experience and ignite the desire to be a part of the continuing creation of “how we do it here”.

This highly interactive program of joy will:
Connect the head with the heart to create the SOUL of any true service culture
Ignite the spirit that creates real ownership of any situation
Equip game changing communication skills that build loyalty
Practice specific tools to handle the most challenging people
Experience practical tools that build trust and avoid conflict

​​Sales Secrets of the 1%ers!

So, you’re in sales… A profession where the
​gatekeepers are though, everyone sees you
​as a wolf in sheep’s clothing and rejection
​is involved in the majority of your day!
Can I get a whoo hoo?!

Every sales audience needs that refreshing and
​rejuvenating presentation that brings them ​back
​to the secrets. The secrets of what the best of the ​best do that put them at the top 1% of their field.

Michael takes your sales audience and rejuvenates the passion and the skill sets that create more sales, more joy and more success in a tough profession and tough economic time…to be a 1%er! This is the perfect program for any sales or success driven audience.

In this session you’ll discover:
What separates a 1%er from everyone else
The #1 skill every salesperson will spend a lifetime mastering: Building Value
How to program yourself for excellence
How to unlock the secrets of Non-verbal communication
Systems on how to gather the right information to set your presentations up for unprecedented success

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Michael Hoffman

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