In a world full of ideas and ambitions, many struggle to transform their dreams into tangible achievements. Jon Acuff, a bestselling author and motivational speaker, has...
In an era characterized by rapid change and unexpected challenges, resilience has become a critical attribute for anyone who refuses to settle for life as usual. The future...
There are volumes of research that have attempted to distinguish between leaders, managers, and supervisors: Leaders focus on the big picture, managers focus on details, and...
Renowned strategists and successful Presidential campaign managers, Kellyanne Conway and David Plouffe, delve deep into the complexities of the 2024 election. These two...
In the world of motivational speaking, few can captivate an audience quite like Joel Zeff. With over 25 years of experience, Joel is a master at blending humor, energy, and...
According to a Bankrate survey, a staggering 47% of adults believe that money has a negative impact on their mental health, with 51% of those respondents being women. To delve...
“When employees feel connected, supported, and valued, conditions are suitable for commitment and growth.” – Simon T. Bailey in “Be the Spark – Five Platinum Service Principles...
Imagine managing your team as if you were fly fishing in the vast rivers of Working America. Just as in fly fishing, where you need the right lure, technique, and timing to...
Every time a manager provides feedback, their credibility is on the line. Giving feedback that is generally inaccurate--off-base, unfair, unbalanced, or factually wrong--is a...
Former trial attorney Heather Hansen shared her fascinating journey from defending doctors in medical malpractice cases to becoming a sought-after keynote speaker and business...
There is a story of two monks walking down a country road. They come across a beautiful young girl standing by a muddy stream, afraid to cross it by herself. One monk goes up to...
The most powerful approach to coaching is one that focuses urgently on day-to-day, high-quality results. As basketball great Michael Jordan said, "I approach everything step by...