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October 07, 2018

What Business Can Learn From Our (Nutty) Political Landscape

If there's a silver lining in today's polarizing political landscape, it's the increase in activism that is sweeping our country. With intensity unseen since the protests of the...
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September 16, 2018

The Honey Badger Mindset of Achievement

The Honey Badger - a hideously ugly, mean, and tough wolverine-like animal - gained fame and notoriety back in 2011 with a viral YouTube video. Narrated by a snarky commentator...
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September 09, 2018

Two Powerful (and Surprisingly Fun) Brainstorming Techniques

As many of us have realized, traditional brainstorming is a perfectly designed exercise to yield mediocre ideas. Instead of sharing our big, game-changing ideas, we tend to...
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September 03, 2018

Back to School

As cash registers speedily ring up #2 pencils and file folders, the back to school craze is officially in high gear. Last minute haircuts, wardrobe enhancements, and new...
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August 19, 2018

Well-Rounded is Over-Rated

"And the award goes to the most well-rounded person!" Said no one, ever. Achieving modestly in many areas may be what our middle school principal suggested, but it's no way to...
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August 12, 2018

The Beauty of Forest Fires

The devastating fires in California remind us of our environment's fragility and how little we can sometimes do to curtail the inevitable. They are also a symbol of power and...
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August 05, 2018

How PepsiCo is Reinventing a Category with Bubly

Innovation is the hottest business buzzword, evoking images of bold tech startups taking dangerous risks to upend the sleeping giants. But what if you are the giant, or you're...
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July 29, 2018

Why the Term "Entrepreneur" Should be Replaced

Having built five startups from scratch and invested in or advised around 100 others, you could say I'm in the business of "entrepreneurship." But I don't think that's the right...
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July 22, 2018

Lick the Screen

Steve Jobs famously said that he made the icons on the iPhone so beautiful, customers would want to "lick the screen." By elevating a utility item (the phone) to a piece of art,...
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July 15, 2018

How "Small" Innovations Lead to Big Results

The concept of innovation can be completely overwhelming. Images of Edison inventing the light bulb or Henry Ford revolutionizing manufacturing push the idea of innovation...
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July 09, 2018

Inch-Wide, Mile-Deep

If you're looking to buy a new knife, the choices seem limitless. A 21-function Swiss Army knife will run you around $39 bucks, less than $2 per blade. The all-purpose tool is...
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June 24, 2018

The "Do Different"

We've all been in business meetings that drone on endlessly, only to be followed with zero change, action or results. Silver-tongued bosses spouting platitudes rarely translates...
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Total Pages: 21