Daily Inspiration: "It's always your choice as to whether the best is yet to come!"

"It's always your choice as to whether the best is yet to come!" – #Futurist Jim Carroll

It's all about choices. The decisions you make. The path you choose to follow. It's really not up to anyone else. Once you understand the finality of that reality, you are already part way there.

People have a tendency to blame others for their failures or presume that their own shortcomings are not their fault. They seek a scapegoat, an easy target, someone else who should take the blame.

It's always 'someone else's fault.' The excuse factory goes into overdrive, and after a while, every new failure becomes a cliche.

But it isn't up to someone else, really. You start each and every day with a whole series of events, decisions, actions, and pathways, each of which might result in a different outcome. Your day is a daily maze, and you – and no one else – are the navigator.

That said, it won't hurt you to align yourself who can help to influence your decisions in a positive manner.

Surround yourself with optimists; those who've been there before; people experienced with the 'road less traveled.' Use them for their navigation skills and insight; just don't expect them to do the driving since you are the one at the steering wheel.

Your voyage into the future involves a series of waypoints, and the direction you end up taking on this complex voyage is the cumulative result of thousands of small decisions and actions that you take each and every day.

Choose wisely!

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Jim Carroll: Global Futurist Business Trends, Leadership & Innovation Expert

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