Isabel Aguilera | One of the Top 50 Most Influential Executives in the World (Fortune Magazine)

Isabel Aguilera

One of the Top 50 Most Influential Executives in the World (Fortune Magazine)

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Isabel Aguilera

Ms. Isabel Aguilera Navarro serves as an Independent Advisor for Indra Systems and Twindocs. Ms. Navarro served as Chief Operating Officer of NH Hoteles SA since May 2002. Ms. Navarro served as Chief Executive Officer of Spanish and Portuguese Markets of Google Inc. until January 15, 2008. Ms. Navarro served as President for several leading technology companies such as General Electric Spain and Portugal, Dell Computer Spain, and Google Spain. She served as an Operations Director of Spanish hotel group NH Hoteles. Ms. Navarro served as the Chief Executive Officer of Dell Computer Corporation for Spain, Italy and Portugal since March 1997.

She also served as General Manager of US computer group Dell for the Spanish, Portuguese and Italian markets. She developed her Professional career for more than 15 years in different information technology companies such as Olivetti, Compaq, Hewlett Packard, Airtel and Dell, where she served as Commercial General Director of the South Europe and Chairman and the first executive for Spain, Portugal and Italy. She served as General Director of NH Hoteles since June 2002. She serves as a Director of Emergia Contact Center, S.L. She serves as Independent Director of Indra Sistemas SA. She also serves as a Director of several non-profit Spanish organizations such as Instituto de Empresa and the Association for the Progress of Management. She serves as a Member on the Advisory Councils for Farmaindustria, Ikor and Mutua Pelayo. Ms. Navarro served as a Director of Laureate Education Inc. since February 2005. She served as a Director of Dell Computer Corporation for Spain, Italy and Portugal, since March 1997.

Leading UK business daily Financial Times named her as one of the top 25 women executives in Europe, while US magazine Fortune ranked that she was one of the top 50 women leaders in the world. Ms. Navarro hold degrees in Architecture and Urbanism and holds an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa and PDG by the IESE and ADEL by the institute of San Telmo.

Isabel Aguilera
Featured Video

Current: TED Talk

Time 22:49

Isabel Aguilera
Featured Keynote Program

Speech Topic Overview

The Role of New Technologies in Business
Effective Leadership
The Keys to Successful Human Resources
Opportunities and Challenges in the 21st Century: “The Business of the Sun”
Management Teams in Complex Environments
Business on the Border
Motivation: Case Study
Competing in the Century of Technology

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Isabel Aguilera

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