Thomas Landstreet | Author & Former VP at Laffer Associates, Forbes Top Contributor and Award Winning Hedge Fund Manager

Thomas Landstreet

Author & Former VP at Laffer Associates, Forbes Top Contributor and Award Winning Hedge Fund Manager

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Thomas Landstreet

As an analyst, speaker and writer, Tom shares his wit and wisdom on politics, policy, the economy and investing. Though he plumbs a complicated topic, he does so with a comedian's skill: His presentations are funny and accessible to a broad audience.

Tom's sessions are content rich. As publisher of "Connecting the Dots" institutional investment research for some of the world's biggest hedge funds and mutual funds, Tom draws on a vast array of topics. And because he's actually in the business of making predictions for investors, he often goes out on a limb for his audiences. His impressive record of predictions has made him a top contributor to Government never stops making policy so there's always something to talk about.

Tom's career on Wall Street began as an institutional equity salesman in 1994 at the Robinson Humphrey Co., Atlanta where he rose to be the top producer. In 2003, he returned to his hometown of Nashville, TN to become Managing Director, Head of Institutional Sales for Avondale Partners. Though he managed the department, he remained the number one producer throughout his tenure. He was recognized by Institutional Investor magazine as an "All American" broker in 2002 and 2003. In 2005, Avondale was awarded the Wall Street Journal's "Best on the Street" award for producing the singe best stock-picking record among Wall Street firms.

In 2006, Tom joined Laffer Associates, an economic research firm founded by Reagan economic advisor and father of the "Laffer Curve," Dr. Arthur Laffer. For five years, Tom worked closely with Laffer where he produced a weekly economic commentary based on Laffer's supply side framework. Tom credits Dr. Laffer's supply side framework for informing many of his opinions.

In 2011, Tom realized the dream of becoming an entrepreneur, co-founding Tell-Tale Capital Corp., a money manager and Standard Research Corp. to publish Connecting the Dots research. He is an advisor to some of the biggest institutional investors in the world.

In 2016, Tom founded Trusco Investment Management, a RIA serving endowments, private foundations and entrepreneurs, and N3L Capital Management, a thematic hedge fund.

Perhaps just as important, Tom was once a standup comedian performing at "Catch a Rising Star" and other leading New York comedy clubs. While many find little to laugh at regarding the current economic situation, Tom expresses a refreshingly contrary view.

Tom majored in English at Auburn University and attended Balliol College, Oxford University. He is married with three well-behaved children and currently resides in Nashville, Tennessee, one of nine states with no income tax.

Thomas Landstreet
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Time 03:34

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Hong Kong Upheval
Time 03:34
ICE & the China Trade War
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Economic Summary
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Thomas Landstreet
Featured Keynote Programs

Booms and Busts don’t happen in a vacuum

Tom probes the great economic cycles of the U.S. over the last 100 years. He describes the factors that created the great depression and how bad policies deepened and prolonged the agony. He analyzes the "go-go sixties," the great inflation of the 1970s, the Reagan/Clinton bull market and more. He proves that government economic policies are to blame for these outsized economic cycles.

Some of these policies are so absurd that they verge on comical yet they come from (theoretically) the smartest people in our society. This is a content rich and very humorous economics lesson.

Rethinking inflation, why there is no inflation in the modern economy

This is an entertaining and vital lesson in supply-side economics. Up until recently, the broad consensus was that interest rates were on the rise and the U.S. federal reserve was behind the curve which would force them to aggressively raise rates to fight incipient inflation.

Well, there has been no inflation and interest rates remain under 3% What happened? Where did everyone go wrong? Tom explains why supply-side economic policy reforms on four continents have reduced the cost of production and prices in the real economy.

Income inequality
It’s not what you think

Income inequality is a hot topic and will remain so in the upcoming election cycle. Tom argues that the widening disparity between rich and poor is not a consequence of capitalism as critics argue, but just the opposite. Heavy-handed government regulatory policies crushed the real economy driving wages and average household incomes down on Main Street. Meanwhile the federal reserve, in a desperate attempt to foster growth, inflated financial assets by over 300%, helping only Wall St. and those citizens with significant financial assets. It’s precisely too much government that created the problem.

Neither political party has a monopoly on bad ideas, how partisanship clouds thinking

Tom reviews some of the most ill-advised policy mistakes from the last 50 years. This talk is both hilarious… and disheartening. Neither political party escapes his scathing criticism in this non-partisan expose. The brightest and most accomplished thinkers in our culture (politicians and their advisors) have conceived some twisted policy ideas which, in hindsight, created great mayhem in the real economy.

Thomas Landstreet
Featured Reviews

Thomas Landstreet
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Say Goodbye To The Ethanol Mandate; Time To Gorge On Restaurant Stocks

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