The Edutainers | Co-Authors Tammy Maxson McElroy & Dr. Brad Johnson of THE EDUTAINER - Connecting the Art and Science of Teaching

The Edutainers

Co-Authors Tammy Maxson McElroy & Dr. Brad Johnson of THE EDUTAINER - Connecting the Art and Science of Teaching

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The Edutainers
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Lights, Camera, Multi-Management

Studies have identified the lack of management as one of the biggest problems in public schools over the past three decades. In fact one of the major determining factors in the success of a teacher is not subject knowledge but rather the ability to manage a classroom. Bottom line, whether or not students learn depends upon the teacher's ability to establish the classroom, engage students, and involve parents. This presentation provides insightful techniques that establish core operational and interpersonal skills for the effective teacher. ( The Edutainers provide an alternate version of this speech for administrators

Who’s Doing the Homework Anyway?

Parents are an integral part of the education community. This entertaining and educational seminar presents the responsibilities, relationship building, and role of the parent and student in the educational process. The speakers examine the influence of pop culture on learning and family dynamics in the 21st Century. ( topic for teachers or parent groups).

Politics of Education

Teachers are the driving force behind the success of education. However, in today's political climate, teachers have become scapegoats for issues within education. In reality, the research reveals that top down policy development and funding without teacher input has caused many of the problems experienced in education. (Topic for teachers or administrators)

The Edutainer
The Changing Role of the Teacher in the 21st Century

This session explains a paradigm shift for today’s teaching and learning. The Edutainer bridges the gap between yesterday's and today's classroom. Authentic teaching strategies are shared ,and student engagement is made easy. This paradigm shift explains methodologies which provide relevant, personalized, and purpose driven learning

The Edutainers
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