Hard Times? Push Up Through the Muck



If you spend your time talking about your problems, you might as well dive into a swamp, submerge yourself in slime, and throw yourself away. Because no one is going to seek you out; no one is going to trouble about you anymore.


Instead, try "Gratitude."


"Gratitude is the opposite of complaining," according to Dr. Robert Emmons who has done a decade of research on gratitude. He says, "In the midst of dire circumstances, not only is a grateful attitude helpful, it is essential."


He says, "In the face of demoralization, gratitude has the power to energize. In the face of brokenness, gratitude has the power to heal. In the face of despair, gratitude has the power to bring hope."


His research has found that when people are experiencing hard times:


  1. Those who keep a gratitude journal are 25% happier than people who don't.
  2. The gratitude group participants experienced fewer symptoms of physical illness than others.
  3. Practicing gratitude on a daily basis reduces stress hormones by 23%.


Lotus in slimeA lotus seed grows in a filthy, dirty pond. It rises above the muck, then flowers. People can rise above "muck" like this:


Eat, drink, and be of good cheer. Everyday write down what you are grateful for. Complaining drags you deeper into the hole. Gratitude helps you climb out. - Shar McBee


P.S. I have helped thousands of groups climb out of the "muck" and transform into thriving organizations (double donations, triple membership, and increase volunteers 500%). If you are in the Southern California region, and would like to talk about this, email me. Maybe we can work together. (Or if you know anyone else, please let them know.- I’d be grateful.) Thanks. Shar@JoyofLeadership.com


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