Why do the rich get richer?

I am driving across country (moving from the Atlantic to the Pacific.)

Shar on Rt 66
Driving Rt 66 after a bad night’s sleep

The other night I foolishly kept driving late into the night. Then couldn’t find a place to stop and wound up in a flea-bag hotel. Afraid of bed-bugs and creepy noises, I could barely sleep.

The next day I was so tired, I couldn’t listen to anything motivational or inspirational in the car. (Only mind-numbing babble on the radio.) That night I stayed in a luxury hotel, got plenty of sleep, and the next day could listen to… and be inspired by… the motivational CD’s I had brought along on the trip.

It made me think that when you are tired and discouraged:

  • You talk yourself out of your dreams.

When you feel rested and safe:

  • You don’t limit yourself.
  • You can focus on what you want… not your circumstances.

Could that be why the rich get richer? Just wondering.

Shar McBee

Author of “To Lead is to Serve”

Shar McBee: Leadership with a Twist of Yoga

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