Shannon Miller | Decorated Gymnast and Cancer Survivor

Shannon Miller

Decorated Gymnast and Cancer Survivor

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Shannon Miller
Featured Books

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The Gold Medal Mindset
Motivation, Goal Setting & Success

Shannon discusses how the gold medal mindset leads to victory on the competition floor, in the boardroom, and in our personal lives. With seven Olympic medals, Shannon utilizes her critical insight to share what it takes to be a winner: the importance of goal setting, leadership, maintaining a positive attitude, and teamwork. Through her Olympic and personal experiences, Shannon explains ways we can overcome even the most difficult obstacles standing in the way of our success. While she may not have been the most talented, flexible, or even the strongest athlete, Shannon Miller was able to utilize these concepts to become The Most Decorated Olympic Gymnast in United States history! Your audience will leave empowered to seal the deal with that next client, work together for a positive outcome, and understand the steps it takes to be a successful leader in both work and life.

Cancer and Survivorship

We will all be touched by cancer at some point- whether it is you, a loved one, a friend, or co-worker. The cancer journey is a unique one for each of us, but it is one that we can follow with dignity and strength. Shannon shares her own cancer journey and how she used lessons learned through her Olympic training to forge ahead in the midst of the most challenging obstacles. She speaks about the importance of caregivers and the incredible role they play. Through her story, your audience will learn the how importance it is to set goals and maintain a positive attitude, the importance of early detection and why “making your health a priority” is a lesson for all of us. Shannon Miller empowers each of us to take control of our own health and arms us with specific ways we can do just that.

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Shannon Miller

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