Fortune Favors the Brave

Your fears are a smokescreen. They are like ghosts that keep you from being your best. It's OK to be afraid. Everyone is afraid! What's not OK is to let your fear get the best of you. Successful people have learned to act in spite of their fear. And that's what courage is - acting in spite of your fear.
Courage can be developed. Aristotle said, "You become what you repeatedly do." The way to develop courage is by practicing courage in every situation where courage is required. How do you do that? Through a quality decision. You come to the realization that whenever you are afraid to do something, you are simply being tested. You make a decision that from now on you will win over your fear. Remember; if you do what you fear, the fear will disappear. If you don't do what you fear, the fear will control your life.
You need to win many personal victories before you will experience a public victory. By becoming conscious of your fears and making a game out of conquering them, before long you will begin to understand in your heart that fears are just smokescreens. And by playing that game all the time, you are becoming more courageous every day.
Make it an Olympic Day!

Ruben Gonzalez is a four-time Olympian, a bestselling business author and an award-winning keynote speaker. Ruben will turn your next meeting into an Olympic event you will never forget. For information on how to bring him to your next event, visit


Ruben Gonzalez: Incredible Olympic Story - Business Author - Award Winning Speaker

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