Real Encounter | Professional BMX/Skate/Motorcross Outreach Ministry

Real Encounter

Professional BMX/Skate/Motorcross Outreach Ministry

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Real Encounter

Real Encounter Outreach is an organization created with a deep desire to foster genuine spiritual and relational change in the lives of the next generation.

Real Encounter has been privileged to perform before tens of thousands of students and young adults in the last decade. The organization utilizes teams of cutting edge performers - motorcycle stunt riding, freestyle motocross, skateboarding, BMC, DJ and media experts - to connect current culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The goal is a simple one: provide an amazing performance to attract the attention of today's youth.

Although gifted in exciting areas, each Real Encounter member performs to glorify God. Many team members have competed on the national level in their respective sport before joining the ministry.

Real Encounter is pleased to offer many varied options to meet the individual needs of particular churches and communities. Designed with many unique components, the programs are highly-customizable for all events from local functions to outreach crusades. Currently, the Real Encounter Crusade is a most-requested event. It encompasses a three day program incorporating school assemblies, evening performances and culminates in an amazing event for the entire community.

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Real Encounter Curriculum
Real Encounter Curriculum

We want to see a long lasting impact on each community, so we have produced an eight-week individual study to help each student see their campus as their greatest mission field. The training will be four weeks prior to the Real Encounter Week and four weeks following.

Real Encounter Week

Monday NightMonday night there will be a rally for the Christian students. This will be a time for Brad Bennett to cast the vision for the week, give a challenging message geared toward evangelism and focus on praying for the lost people of your community to come to the harvest night.Tuesday NightWe will have two to three school assemblies each day. The Real Assembly will not only have an impact on students but will be an opportunity to invite them to the Harvest Night.Wednesday NightThe Harvest Night will be a time when people of all ages will come to an evangelistic outreach event with an opportunity to have a Real Encounter with God. The Harvest Night include freestyle motocross, motorcycle stunt riding and speaking by Brad Bennett, live band, drama by Clear Vision Drama Company, lighting, sound and an incredible multi-media presentation.

Real Assemblies

The PurposeExtreme Impact is a character based school assembly that teaches that one student can have a positive impact on their school campus. The assembly utilizes motorcycles, performing arts, live entertainment, and the latest in audio and video technology. The assembly addresses the negative impact of bullies and shows how one student can have a positive impact on their school. The assembly also discusses the character qualities of discipline, positive attitudes, personal integrity, and encouragement.
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Real Encounter

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