Jake Ducey | TED Speaker and Author of "Into the Wind", Feel the Fear; Do It Anyways

Jake Ducey

TED Speaker and Author of "Into the Wind", Feel the Fear; Do It Anyways

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San Diego, California, United States

Jake Ducey
Featured Keynote Programs

Feel the Fear; Do It Anyways

Today so many people are scared to be who they really want to be, and say what they really want to say. Meanwhile, many thought leaders tell us that fear isn’t real and that we should fear nothing. Jake Ducey has another point of view he’s come to from conversations with some of today’s most successful and courageous people—from Jack Canfield to Laird Hamilton (world’s most successful big wave surfer) to Amber Lyon (3X Emmy winning journalist) to Bucky Lasek (16-time X-Game Vert skateboarding Medalist). What do the world’s most successful people all have in common? One of the twenty principles Jake found they have in common, “Feel the fear—do it anyway,” is a chapter in his new book, “The Purpose Principles.” Jake shares fascinating stories of how the aforementioned leaders and many others have created their successes through not denying fear, but embracing it. Ducey also shares how he has applied this principle to his life, coming from a true underdog position in the publishing world to making the Amazon Bestseller list at 21 years old with his first book, “Into the Wind,” and now, at 22, landing a contract with Penguin/Random House for his next book.

Takeaways include:
 The “Oh What the Heck Process,” a practical way to take action when you’re scared.
 Inspiring and never before heard stories of some of the world’s most recognized public figures, and athletes, and how they overcame their fears.
 Tips on how to ask for what you want, even when you’re scared.
 How to find inspiration when you’re too scared to move.
 Why age, education, and past experience, and failures are insignificant.

“So, you don’t know what you want to do with your life?”

Designed for young people, University, College

One of the most common fears of young people across the world is, “I don’t know what I want to do with my life.” College students are scared to declare a major. Graduates are afraid they just spent their tuition to get a degree in something they don’t really want to do for a living. High-school kids are already feeling the pressure from the world to know what they want to be when they grow up. So what’s the answer? Jake Ducey believes it is to understand that it’s okay to be uncertain. People have made a difference and become successful in all walks of life, so what you do is not as important as how you do it, Ducey says. He believes his generation has the potential to change the world and give future generations a more promising future. The first step to doing this is to create culture. He says it doesn’t matter what your major is, because no matter what it is theirs an opportunity to make a difference, and make a living. Jake argues that we must show the type of world we want to live in—by creating the business, writing the books, making the music, designing the non-profits, teaching the children, shooting the films, and all else. Because of this, he believes it’s okay to be nervous about whatever subject your degree is in— because no matter what it is young people across the world have a great opportunity to make an impact and a living! In this inspirational and reassuring talk, Ducey addresses the main fears of young people around the world, and how they aren’t as bad as they seem.

Give to Get
Get The Return You Want in Business, Career, Work Environment, and Personal Life

Designed For Corporations

What did Steve Jobs do that made Apple so great? Jake Ducey argues that one of the reasons they were so successful is because Jobs and Wozniak were not primarily motivated by anything other than that they wanted to make life simpler and better for others. They had the costumer in mind at all times, and how they could increase the quality of their life. They wanted to contribute, plain and simple. When we develop the will to contribute in the corporate and professional world, Jake believes that is how a business, person, or product can change society, increase revenue, and leave a positive footprint on the planet.

Takeaways include:

 How to develop the will to contribute in order to innovate.
 How to increase the quality of your work or home environment with the little things.
 A closer look at the mind of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak on how they structure their vision and motivation to make it a reality.
 Determining your “Why”

Make Life Even Better
The Act of Service

Your life will become better by making other people’s lives better, Jake Ducey believes. He knew that after losing all his bankcards in Indonesia and being taken care of by a local family who had almost no money. And when Jake tried to repay them down the road, they refused to accept payment. “Life is about giving without expecting return,” they told Jake. And he believes that by engaging in our communities and society at large, we can increase our return on investments, our confidence, our work environments, our family environments and all else. Ducey’s inspirational story challenges the audience to recognize and capitalize on the opportunities we have to make the world a brighter place. And it begins with our individual communities and countries. Ducey outlines the strategies and tools that we can use to build a world of givers, which he believes increase happiness, profit, and self-esteem.

Into Purpose and Potential
Finding Out Why You’re Alive And How To Feel More Alive

Most of us have wondered, “What on earth am I here for?” and “How can I feel more alive?” Based on his new book with Penguin/Random House, “The Purpose Principles,” Ducey takes us into what’s possible in all our lives when we cross purpose with potential. He draws on the personal stories of social heroes in all fields of life. He also shares from his own experience; how he went from a confused, pessimistic teenager on the road to drug and alcohol addiction, to being one of the leading voices for the twenty-something’s and sharing stages with his heroes. Ducey believes that success is more than just material gains or social status; it’s also being happy with your life, and who you have become.

Takeaways include:
Ducey helps the audience understand:
 How they can live in greater levels of the potential and purpose
 How they can get paid to uncover their passion and potential
 Tapping into the vision for their life.
 Tricks to “hack” their day and feel more alive immediately.
 Ways to access greater confidence, creativity, and productivity through failure.

Write It Down, Make It Happen
The Power Of Goals

The first time Jake Ducey met Jack Canfield, he told Jake that the key to anything in life is to, “write it down, and make it happen.” One of the most significant commonalities between the world’s most successful people is that they have clearly defined goals. Jake Ducey argues that most people do not live the life they want, because they don’t even have a target. In this practical presentation, Ducey shows the power in written goals he’s learned from his heroes like Jack Canfield, and how to even create them in the first place.

Takeaways include:

• Understand the difference between your subconscious and conscious mind, and how to use them to your advantage with goals.
• How to write a goal and a plan for action.
• Taking “inventory” on all areas of your life.
• The keys to making a goal a reality.

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Jake Ducey

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