Dedra Stafford
Featured Keynote Programs

Pep Assemblies, Red Pens, and School Lunches

This keynote address is a hilarious look at attitudes and how choosing the right attitude can make all the difference! It can be presented in 45min-2 ½ hr formats.

Teachers don’t really teach for the summers…Do we? This keynote will remind educators why we CHOOSE to walk through the doors of a school building even after we have received our diplomas! Dedra will help teachers remember what a great job they really have. She will talk the audience through making choices in their daily attitudes; and how to avoid the “zappers” who we let affect our attitudes. This session will be full of energy and audience interaction. The techniques Dedra will share will help the natural nurturers of the world take care of themselves so that they can stay connected to the passion for touching the lives of children and others!

Learn to:
-Remember why you teach
-Avoid the negatives that pull you down
-Enjoy your opportunity to touch lives every day as a teacher

You came into the education field full of hope, energy, and a desire to CHANGE the world! Now you catch yourself looking at the bank attendants, and door greeters wondering how hard it would be to make the transition? Educators are care givers who give until they can’t give anymore. Dedra will help you put yourself at the top of the list, create habits that will prevent burnout, and remember why you are where you are. This keynote will have you laughing and learning as you get reconnected to your passion for teaching.

Teaching Kids to Thrive

Bring best-selling author/educators, Dr. Debbie Silver and Dedra Stafford to your school or district to inspire your preK-12 educators and guide them in how to implement social-emotional learning (SEL) concepts in the classroom. Choose from a 6-day, 3-day, or 1-day Thrive Initiative Package. Demand is high so act fast to book your sessions with these veteran professional development specialists now.

6-Day Thrive Initiative Model Includes:
Opening Day (1) with Dr. Debbie Silver and Dedra Stafford
• Includes inspirational and informational opening and closing keynotes
• Administration of pre-test measuring participants’ knowledge of SEL and commitment to its implementation
• Thrive activities to build camaraderie and model procedures
• Introduction to a Google Thrive Classroom that is set up for Thrive Initiative participants and is used throughout the year as ongoing support and follow-up to onsite sessions.
-- additional information, thought questions, teacher resources
-- ongoing access to the facilitators
-- group collaborations, discussions, questions, and solutions
• Distribution of Thrive Bonus Bags (50 participants or under are included in the price. Over 50 will be priced additionally)
--Teaching Kids to Thrive book
--Teaching Kids to Thrive bag
--Thrive t-shirt forms (for sizing)
--Other Thrive gifts
Follow-up Embedded Days (4) with Dedra Stafford
• Additional training on each of the Thrive skills
• Classroom visits and feedback to teachers
• Demonstration lessons
• Individual and small group support as needed
• Goggle classroom instruction and assistance as needed
• Meetings with administrators and school leaders
• Presents t-shirts to participants

Google Hang-out Sessions (2)
• Dr. Silver and/or Dedra host a questions and answer session for Thrive Initiative Participants

Closing Day (1) with Dr. Debbie Silver
• Administration of pre-test measuring participants’ knowledge
• of SEL and commitment to its implementation
• Share Fair involving all participants and invited guests
• Closing activities and planning for ongoing implementation
• Closing Keynote
• Presentation of Thrive (SEL) School banner

3-Day Thrive Initiative Model Includes:

Opening Day (1) with Dr. Debbie Silver and Dedra Stafford
• Includes inspirational and informational opening and closing keynotes
• Thrive activities to build camaraderie and model procedures
• Introduction to a Google Thrive Classroom that is set up for Thrive Initiative participants and is used throughout the year as ongoing support and follow-up to onsite sessions.
-- additional information, thought questions, teacher resources
-- ongoing access to the facilitators
-- group collaborations, discussions, questions, and solutions
• Distribution of Thrive Bonus Bags (50 participants or under are included in the price. Over 50 will be priced additionally)
--Teaching Kids to Thrive book
--Teaching Kids to Thrive bag
--Thrive t-shirt forms (for sizing)
--Other Thrive gifts

Follow-up Embedded Day (1) with Dedra Stafford
Choose from:
• Additional training on each of the Thrive skills
• Classroom visits and feedback to teachers
• Demonstration lessons
• Individual and small group support as needed
• Goggle classroom instruction and assistance as needed
• Meetings with administrators and school leaders
• Presents t-shirts to participants

Goggle Hang-out Sessions (1)
• Dr. Silver and/or Dedra host a questions and answer session for Thrive Initiative Participants

Closing Day (1) with Dr. Debbie Silver
• Share Fair involving all participants and invited guests
• Closing activities and planning for ongoing implementation
• Closing Keynote

1-Day Thrive Initiative Model Includes:
Day (1) with Dr. Debbie Silver and Dedra Stafford
• Includes inspirational and informational opening and closing keynotes
• Multiple break-out sessions provided by Debbie and Dedra (customized by client choice for grade levels, topics, or both)
• Distribution of Teaching Kids to Thrive Book (50 participants or under are included in the price. Over 50 will be priced additionally)

Reaching and Teaching the Digital Learner

This keynote address is upbeat, motivational and informative. It can be a presented as a one hour keynote to a full day session.

The Digital Natives are not the students of the past. They learn and think differently which means teachers must learn to teach differently. In this keynote, Dedra will show teachers how to speak the language, use the tools, and make learning relevant to the 21st Century. Blogs, wikis, and web 2.0 will be explained and showcased. Done well, technology can be an awesome tool in the classroom, but it is not always easy! That’s why teachers need to sometimes be motivated to rise to the challenge by grabbing the attention of the video game generation and helping them use the tech skills of their future!

Learn to:
-Understand the reason why technology must become a part of the classroom.
-Identify the difference between integration and seamlessly integrating technology
-Use technology as a Communication tool, Instructional tool and a Performance tool in the classroom.

The students we are teaching today are digital natives who have never known a world without technology. How do you engage the multi-tasking, on-demand, Facebook generation? Learn how educators across the globe are using podcasting, blogging, wikis and other web 2.0 tools to teach the students of today. We will explore free Web 2.0 resources which can increase communication, collaboration, and engagement in your classroom.

The “Best Stuff” is in the Middle

This keynote address is upbeat, motivational and informative. It can be a presented as a 45min format.

This keynote will remind educators how important we are in the lives of the middle school students we teach. Dedra will help teachers remember what a great job they really have. This session will be full of energy and audience interaction. The techniques Dedra will share will help the natural nurturers of the world stay connected to the passion for touching the lives of children and others!

Learn to:
-Remember why you teach
-Avoid the negatives that pull you down
-Enjoy your opportunity to touch lives every day as a teacher

Just like the Oreo cookie, middle level is where all the magic happens in education. A student’s journey is guided and misguided by the impact people have around them. Come in a celebrate with Dedra as she makes you laugh, cry and remember the best kept secret of education “The Best Stuff” is in the middle!

Breakout Session
Classroom Management:The Real Secret to Success!

Set aside the vision board and the meditation tapes the real “secret to success” is classroom
management and relationships. Best practices like DI, technology, and RTI are all great ONCE
YOU MASTER CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT. New teachers and veteran teachers must
attend this session. You will keep your sanity, once you learn effective management systems, partner
plans, teacher timesavers and much, much more. Come in and bring a pencil; you will want to write this stuff down!

Format: Presentation and Audience interaction
Needed: Screen and room for people to move

Breakout Session
Teambuilding for the Rock Star Teacher!

Need an easy to implement team building activity? The best way to build team unity in school is getting the kids engaged and understanding why we team. Come to this session, participate, and walk away with several activities that can be used on teams and in advisory programs. The spotlight is on you and you will ROCK with these great activities.

Format: Audience interaction in activities
Needed: Screen and room for people to move (Some materials need to be purchased for activities)

Breakout Session
TEAM-A-NOMICS:The little things teams do to achieve BIG!

What makes a good team? A good team name, A celebration, or luck? Teams are an important
part of school but great teams are no accident. Teaming must be done with purpose. If you are not careful, teams will become a group of people in the same hall and team meetings will be nothing more than a glorified complaint session. This session will help you create organization & time management in a fast-paced environ- ment. Get on task & productively focused on the goals of your team and go from blah, blah, blah to Wow we really ROCK! (This is a 2-4 hour Pre-con session only)

Format: Presentation and Audience interaction
Needed: Screen and room for people to move

Breakout Session
Attitude Adjustment! Does Your School Need One?

Lift your staff’s spirits with ideas and energy from conferences across the US! After being inspired, our school staff has had an attitude adjust- ment. We will share tips on how to wake up your staff and keep them smiling! From faculty meetings that are FUN, to quick little ways to make everyone feel special--- this session will be full of inspirational ideas to
change the climate in your building. Teachers and Administrators bring your attitude and an open mind to this session!

Format: Presentation and Audience interaction
Needed: Screen and room for people to move

Other Breakout Sessions:
Other Breakout Sessions:

History Happens!
Reading for Meaningn - How to Motiate Our Students to Read
Be A Game Show Host in the Classroom!

Breakout Session
Web 2.0 Tools of Classroom Collaboration

The next generation of the web is
the new web 2.0. Collaboration websites cater to the on- demand, video game generation of today.
See how these sites can work in the classroom. Move your class into the future and out of the past
with Voice thread, Photostory, Blogs, and the ever-popular Teacher Tube website. Teacher Tube is
You Tube for the education world. See how you can learn, teach, and assess student learning all with this and many more great websites.

Format: Hands-on in Lab
Skills: Learn how to use Voicethread (free), Photostory (free), and MovieMaker (free) for class projects. See how teach- ers are using blogs, and see other sites that are interactive and made for education. Learn how to navigate and use the Teacher Tube website.
Needed: Lab, headphones, digital camera, and mics and internet

Breakout Session
The Nuts and Bolts of It

Now that you understand what podcasting is and how it can be used in the classroom, come in and make one! We will use the computers and free software to create a simple podcast. You don’t have to be a techie to make this happen. Learn the ins and outs of the podcasting basics and Audacity software and be ready to enhance your curriculum with this great tool of the digital age. (this session can be combined with “What Casting” in a 1-2 day hands-on session)

Format: Hands-on in Lab
Skills: Learn how to use Audacity (free software) and the basic tools and functions to create podcast Needed: Lab, headphones and mics ( participants will work in small groups)

Breakout Session
What Casting? How to use Podcasting in the Classroom:

Can you really make it educational? Don’t ban those IPods yet. We can show you ways to make a podcast in the classroom. Get kids hooked using the technology that they crave. Podcasts are great for lecture, reinforcements, or even student projects. All kids can podcast and so can you, ready? Come and learn what podcasting is and see how teachers are using podcast to enhance the curriculum. (this session can be combined with “Nuts and Bolts of It” in a 1-2 day hands-on session)

Format: Presentation and hands-on exploring
Skills: Learn what podcasting is and how to use podcast in the classroom Needed: Lab with internet connection and headphones

Breakout Session
Twitter This:Websites that make you say “COOL!”

This session is a tech lover’s dream! Come in and learn about the websites that everyone is talking about (or tweeting about). No theory, lecture, or research in this session. It is an old fashion swap party. We will highlight the latest and greatest websites educators can use to teach, learn, and have fun with. You will share your favorite websites and ideas and learn everyone else’s. If you like learning.... This is the session you will not want to miss!

Format: Presentation and possible hands-on exploring Needed: Internet, Screen

Breakout Session
Story Telling in the Classroom... Digital Style

Learn what digital storytelling is all about and how you can use it in your classroom. This is where students’ creativity can come alive while dem- onstrating the understanding of major concepts in the classroom. We will share great project examples and a multitude of resources that can be used to make these projects happen in your classroom. All core areas will be highlighted for these projects.

Format: Presentation
Skills: Learn what digital storytelling is and how it can be used in a variety of classrooms and subject areas Needed: None

Breakout Session
Using technology to Engage Today’s Learner

“Whatever it Takes” is the motto for keeping the multitasked generation active and engaged in our class- rooms. Come in and learn what tools are out there for IPads and IPods to facilitate learning, collaborating, and creating. This session is always changing as the best apps have yet to be released!

Format: Presentation and hands-on exploring
Skills: Learn the basic concepts of iPads in the classroom and apps that are best for your classroom. Needed: internet and iPads (unless this is an overview session then no iPads are needed)

Breakout Session
Take Classroom Involvement to the Next Level w/ Smart Boards , SMART Teachers and SMART Students!

(This session can be modified for any IWB)
Is the Interactive white board in your classroom/building used as a fancy overhead ? Smart Boards can be used as more than just "Write and Wipe," if you know the capabilities. We often provide our teachers with the initial "where the buttons are" training for Smart boards, but they need the next step of training that shows how to take this new tool and get the most student involvement out of the technology. In this session, we will use the Smart Board© Software and simple classroom interactive principles to get students raising their hands, raising their scores, and truly interacting with the board/instruction like never before. Smart Boards+ Smart Teachers= Smart Students.

Format: Presentation and hands-on exploringjavascript:document.form1.submit();
Skills: Learn the basic concepts of a good IWB lesson nd walk away with tools, tricks and lessons to use in the class-room.
Needed: Lab, internet, Smart Board

Breakout Session
Kids in the Director’s Chair!:

Ok, so you know how to use PowerPoint, but what else is out there? Do you want to learn to make your own movies with pictures and
live video? Better yet, get the students make their own creations for assessments of major concepts, and they will remember those concepts for life! There’s no better way to assess learning than to have students create curriculum content movies that are mini-masterpieces. Come in and be a movie maker with this FREE, EASY SOFTWARE that is included on any Windows XP computer!

Format: Presentation and hands-on
Skills: Learn the basic functions of Movie Maker/Photo Story. Learn ways to use video for student projects. Needed: Lab with Windows XP and Movie Maker or Photo Story (free programs computers) Digital cameras

Breakout Session
WhyTeachDigital(Alternatefocusis“DIand DigitalLearners”)

This session is a shortened version of the Keynote “Reaching Digital Learner”
Learn how educators across the globe are using podcasting, blogging, wikis and
other web 2.0 tools to teach the students of today (our digital natives). Why not tap into this “My Space” genera- tion’s interests and skills? They will not only walk out of your classroom knowing the facts of your topic, but they will do so in a way that engages them.

Format: Presentation style (modified from the keynote presentation)
Skills: Understanding of why technology should be integrated, ideas on technology in the classroom, and an overall reali- zation that technology can be used effectively.
Needed: Lecture set up with screen

Breakout Session
QR in the classroom, it’s too EASY!

Have you seen the little black and white 2D square boxes on posters and products? They are QR (quick Re- sponse) codes. Cell phones are everywhere, why not capitalize on them in the classroom and across the dis- trict? Simple, free QR generators allow you to create codes that can link to just about anything-YouTube, text message, voice recordings, email, URLs, and so much more. This is not something only the tech nerds can do! It really is easy. Learn how this technology can be used to engage students in a variety of learning activities and resources, such as test reminders, checking answers, scavenger hunts, providing supplemental materials or tutorials, promoting school or class events, and more. Want to get the attention of the iGeneration? Then use a simple techie tool in your school or classroom.

Other technology software or websites that can be included in a workshop

United Streaming or Discovery Education
Google (From igoogle to Google docs)
Website, Blog, or wiki Creation
Blogging, wikis, and Twitter in schools
Clickers for CPS or other question software
One-Computer Classroom Ideas help teachers need
Websites in a subject area
Websites that help all teachers
Social Networking for Parent Outreach
Sexting Texting and Internet Safety
Any Technology Session YOU can think of

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Dedra Stafford

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